Define a function trophic_level_index(chla , tn, tp) that takes values for Chorophyll-a (CHLA), Total Nitrogen (TN), and Total Phosphorus (TP) and returns the Trophic Index (TLI3) using the calculation below. The TLI3 is calculated as the average of the three transformed values, where each value is transformed as follows: tlc = 2.22 + 2.54 ∗ log10CHLA tln = −3.61 + 3.01 ∗ log10TN tlp = 0.218 + 2 .92 ∗ log10TP For example, if CHLA = 10, TN = 100, and TP = 1000, then: tlc = 2.22 + 2.54 ∗ 1 =