
When you feel endlessly busy without real progress, are unsure what to do next, want something more, something different, or just not this… you’re stuck. That stuck feeling is really about being unfulfilled and it happens when we aren’t showing up as our whole selves. We have a work self, family self, home self, friend self and so on. When we do this, we actually put up internal barriers that block the parts of ourselves that are creative, passionate, innovative, intuitive and joyful. Energy goes to holding up the barriers instead of flowing into our work and lives. We feel drained, bored, frustrated and STUCK!

Your Friendly Study Co-Pilots live and breathe by the united purpose to focus squarely on you – to help you get unstuckable. We’re eminent, full-service Friendly Study Co-Pilots built on years of success. We’re heartfelt problem solvers working on your behalf, yet, we’re more than our roles and responsibilites.

At Gotit Pro, our future is rooted in helping students unleash their potential by building solutions that inspire collaboration and facilitate growth – so that you can focus on what’s important.

We’re all ready to jump at the opportunity to create a perfect academic or digital solution for you. We’re looking for patrons who believe that we can accomplish so much more together than apart.

25% of all the donations collected here are presented to University of the People is supporting its mission to offer affordable, quality, online, degree-granting educational programs to any underprivileged student.

25% of all the donations collected here are presented to Hepatitis B Foundation is supporting its mission to find a cure and improve the lives of those affected worldwide through research, education, public health and patient advocacy.

The remainder of the contributions is dedicated to the maintenance and operation of this website.