Lili’s teacher ask her to make a program to reverse a given number represent by a string and reverse it.

Lili’s teacher ask her to make a program to reverse a given number represent by a string and reverse it. Her teacher know that Lili doesn’t like to use a recursive function. So her teacher will give Lili zero score if she doesn’t applied a recursive function for this homework. That will read an integer represent length of a string and a string that he need to reverse, Help Lili to get a good score.Format InputThe first line of the input contains an integer T, the number of test case.The next T line contains a string s represent a numberFormat OutputFor each test case, print Case #X: Y. X is the number of test case and Y is the reversed number.Constraints1 <= T <= 10010 <= |S| <= 1000|S| is the length of string SSample Input:312101010101010123123123123Sample Output:Case #1: 21Case #2: 010101010101Case #3: 321321321321   Solved by verified study co-pilot   All Study…

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