You are a nurse in a Third World country in a small village of 150 people (adults and children – roughly equal in numbers). 

You are a nurse in a Third World country in a small village of 150 people (adults and children – roughly equal in numbers). There is an outbreak of a deadly infection which is easily treated with a specific antibiotic. Untreated, the mortality rate is close to 100%. However, you only have enough to treat 25 adults or 50 children. Additional dosages are on their way but are not expected to arrive before the disease will run its course. Note that anyone over 11 is considered an adult and you are in as much danger from the infection as everyone else. What do you do? What is the ethical approach in this situation? How do you treat the community knowing that you may have to watch some die while you reserve treatment for specific individuals? You MUST choose an action. If you waffle or refuse to state who gets treated and why,…

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A patient states, “My doctor says I have obsessive compulsive

A patient states, “My doctor says I have obsessive compulsive disorder. What does that mean?” Which response by the nurse is best? 1. “It means that you have experienced a major life stress and will need therapy to help you manage the symptoms.” 2. “You can expect to experience periods of high energy and anxiety, alternating with periods of feeling very low.” 3. “You may experience involuntary, intrusive thoughts, and feel compelled to respond with seemingly meaningless actions.” 4. “People with obsessive-compulsive disorder are very organized. This is a good disorder to have. Your question has been Solved with Explanation Get completed solution by your friendly study co-pilot. Add to Solution Cart Contact Me Biomedical Engineering, Medical Surgical Nursing.

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