For this assignment, you will design a corporate risk-management plan for FSB as part of the corporate security program.

We have sequentially integrated the concepts of security, risk management, and privacy in the computing environment. For this  assignment, you will design a corporate risk-management plan for FSB as part of the corporate security program. The format for the plan will be as follows: Introduction – State of the Organization The current state of corporate management of systems and applications and the threats every organization or institution faces in the era of mobile and cloud computing as the new normal for transaction processing. Organizational Chart Network Diagram Objectives of the Risk-Management Plan – Risk Statement Definition of IT emergencies, ranking the nature of incidents—whether they are natural, technical, human resources, or cyber-threats. Business Impact Analysis (BIA) for FSB Plan of Action and Milestones (POAM) – Action Plan for Incident Response and Risk Management Strategies to assess and mitigate risk and maintain privacy when cloud computing is used in a production environment.…

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Write a 3 page paper describing the fundamentals of biblical marriage from a research perspective.

Write a 3 page paper describing the fundamentals of biblical marriage from a research perspective. Ensure the following points are addressed: What components would you list?  Explain why.  Please be as specific and as thorough as possible.What does Scripture say about your essential components?How would those components contrast with current popular thought regarding marriage?Lastly, how do these components compare with your own present reality if you are married, or what you would desire in a marriage if you were to aspire to marriage?Provide a minimum of two academic/scholarly sources. Sample Preview 100% Unique & Plagiarism Free Paper / 880 Words / APA Style Reference Paper   Solved by verified study co-pilot   All Study Co-Pilots are evaluated by Gotit Pro as an expert in their subject area. Get Paper Contact Us

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