How much liquid is needed to prepare 663.1mL of a solution that has a new concentration of 4.8M if the stock solution is 42.3M?

When dealing with stock solutions, the concentrations, volume transferred, and final volume when making new solutions use the formula: Wherein  and  are the concentration and volume of the stock solution, which is also called initial concentration and volume. While  and  are the concentration and volume of the new solution which can also be called as the final concentration and volume. Given:  = 42.3 M  = ?  = 4.8 M  = 663.1 mL The variable  is the unknown which makes sense since the volume that is needed to be transferred to a container in order to make a new solution is asked. Rearranging the formula, the equation would now be: Replace the variables with the given data: Therefore, in order to have a  solution with 4.8 M concentration, 75.2 mL of the stock solution is needed to be diluted up to 663.1 mL of volume.

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A 1.000 g sample of an aluminum is dissolved and the sulfate precipitated as BaSO4.

Gravimetric Analysis A 1.000 g sample of an aluminum is dissolved and the sulfate precipitated as BaSO4. The precipitate weighed 0.3486 g after it was washed and ignited. Assuming all the sulfate and aluminum in the sample were in the form of K2Al2(SO4)3 • 24 H2O, Calculate the percentage of Al2O3 in the sample.   Our verified study co-pilot is currently working on it   All Study Co-Pilots are evaluated by Gotit Pro as an expert in their subject area. Add to Solution Cart Contact Us

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Partial pressure of O2 in the atmosphere is 21.23 kPa

Question: The partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere is 21.23 kPa. Calculate the partial pressure in atm. Be sure your answer has the right number of significant digits. Your question has been Solved! Get completed solution by your friendly study co-pilot. Add to Solution Cart Contact Me In a mixture of gases, the partial pressure is the amount of pressure each gas would exert if it were the only gas in the volume. The particles of a gas are so small that they do not interact.  Dalton’s law states that the total pressure of a system is the sum of the partial pressures of the gases in the mixture. The ratio of the partial pressures of two components will be equal to the ratio of moles of the two components. One helpful value for converting between pressures is the mole fraction, or ratio of moles, of one gas to the total number…

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