Option 6: Update an evaluation grade for one student
The program asks the user to enter the ID of the student and then the evaluation code: (T1, T2, L1, L2, L3 or PR). The program then asks the user to enter the new grade. The program updates the student’s record (total grade and letter grade) based on the new grade.
Enter the student’s ID: 123456
Which grade to update: T1
The current T1 grade is 20
Enter the new T1 grade: 24
The program prints: T1 updated for Lea Smith
The updated record is then printed in the same format as option 4.
Testing Your Program:
The program does not store any data between runs. It is a good idea that you create a few sets of data that you can use to test your program and always use the same data. You can store your data in a comment at the beginning or end of your program such that you can copy and paste the data for input rather than typing each time. The more records you use to test, the better.
The records I used for my tests are provided below for you. Feel free to add more.
# Lea Smith,123456,HH,20,24,10,9,9,18
# Bob Green,234567,HP,22,24,10,8,10,19
# Ben Johns,345678,B2,24,20,9
# Ben Johns,345678,B2,25,22,10,8,8,18