Part A Project Brief Vacoliday Vacoliday is a touristic company that offers highend

Part A Project Brief: Vacoliday Vacoliday is a touristic company that offers high-end, highly-customizable holidays, with a great emphasis on localness and well-being, in Vacomedita, a lovely town on the Mediterranean coast. Vacoliday has several residences around the town of Vacomedita which they use to accommodate holidaymakers. These residences offer two types of bookable accommodation: fully-integrated apartments and stand-alone rooms. The apartments are typically larger with one or more bedrooms and other rooms like kitchens, bathrooms, washing rooms, dining rooms, and lounges. The standalone rooms are essentially bedrooms with possibly an en-suite bathroom. The company offers various attractive meal options that can also be booked. Collective meals can be taken at specific times at one of the stylish dining suites available at the Vacoliday residences. However, meals can also be delivered to people's accommodation, if pre-booked in advance. Besides, Vacoliday offers a wide range of exciting bookable experiences. These experiences can take place on-site at a specific residence or off-site, out and about the area surrounding Vacomedita. There are three main kinds of on-site experiences: fitness classes (such as yoga, pilates, or any other well-being physical activities) under the guidance of a fitness instructor; craft workshops during which Vacoliday customers can learn a local craft with a workshop instructor; and cooking classes for which holidaymakers are taught how to prepare local dishes by a chef. On the other hand, offsite experiences are led by a guide and come mainly under two broad categories: excursions to places of interest and walking hikes. Thus, hikes are on foot and involve walking in the countryside or wilderness around Vacomedita. Excursions are run by a driver on a bus and allow the visiting of places of interest, beauty spots, and other landmarks across the stunning Vacomedita region. In terms of staffing, Vacoliday relies on highly-trained employees with well-defined roles. Guides oversee all off-site experiences. Drivers use their buses to accompany people on excursions. Chefs take care of meals but also teach cooking classes. Housekeeping attendants are responsible for the good maintenance of their allocated accommodations. Finally, instructors come under two groups: the fitness instructors who run the exercise classes for well-being and the craft instructors who lead and deliver the workshops in which people learn exciting local craft skills. QUESTION 2: ENTITIES (08 Marks) a) Identify and list the main entities for Vacoliday. b) Create an Entity Data Dictionary Table to document the identified entities. To produce this supporting documentation, fill in the table below to briefly explain each entity. For more information, please refer to page 510 of the 6th edition of the Connolly's textbook. QUESTION 3: SPECIALISATIONS (07 Marks) a) Identify and list the main specialisations for Vacoliday. b) Create a Specialisation Data Dictionary Table to document the identified specialisations. To produce this supporting documentation, fill in the table below to briefly explain each specialisation. For more information, please refer to page 510 of the 6th edition of the Connolly's textbook.

Part A Project Brief: Vacoliday Vacoliday is a touristic company that offers high-end, highly-customizable holidays, with a great emphasis on localness and well-being, in Vacomedita, a lovely town on the Mediterranean coast. Vacoliday has several residences around the town of Vacomedita which they use to accommodate holidaymakers. These residences offer two types of bookable accommodation: fully-integrated apartments and stand-alone rooms. The apartments are typically larger with one or more b

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4 Use the Java ByteArrayOutputStream and PrintStream classes to redirect the Systemout output for

4. Use the Java ByteArrayOutputStream and PrintStream classes to redirect the System.out output for unit testing of the student search method below. private student student; private String id, name, age, email, course; public void setup() { student = new Student(id, name, age, email, course); } public void testSaveStudent() { // Your code here } private static void searchForStudent() { System.out.println("Enter the student ID to search:"); int searchId = Integer.parseInt(scanner.nextLine()); boolean found = false; for (Student student : students) { if (student.getId() == searchId) { found = true; System.out.println("Student found:"); System.out.println("ID: " + student.getId()); System.out.println("Name: " + student.getName()); System.out.println("Age: " + student.getAge()); System.out.println("Email: " + student.getEmail()); System.out.println("Course: " + student.getCourse()); break; } } if (!found) { System.out.println("Student not found."); } }

4. Use the Java ByteArrayOutputStream and PrintStream classes to redirect the System.out output for unit testing of the student search method below. private student student; private String id, name, age, email, course; public void setup() { student = new Student(id, name, age, email, course); } public void testSaveStudent() { // Your code here } private static void searchForStudent() { System.out.println(“Enter the student ID to search:”); int searchId = Integer.parseInt(scanner.

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Emergency Response Planning You are responsible for planning emergency response routes for a city

Emergency Response Planning You are responsible for planning emergency response routes for a city. The city is represented as a graph, with intersections as nodes and roads as edges. In the event of an emergency, you need to find the shortest path from a central emergency command center to various locations in the city to minimize response time. The city's road network is represented as an undirected weighted graph, where each road has a known travel time (weight) associated with it. Your task is to find the shortest paths from the central emergency command center (Node F) to all other intersections in the city. Your code should return a nested list of [Source, Target, Duration]. Example: [[F, C, 2]]

Emergency Response Planning You are responsible for planning emergency response routes for a city. The city is represented as a graph, with intersections as nodes and roads as edges. In the event of an emergency, you need to find the shortest path from a central emergency command center to various locations in the city to minimize response time. The city’s road network is represented as an undirected weighted graph, where each road has a known travel time (weight) associated with it. Your task i

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Connected components are subsets of a graph in which every node is reachable from every other node

Connected components are subsets of a graph in which every node is reachable from every other node in that subset by following edges. These components often represent distinct groups or communities within a graph. Your task is to repurpose Depth-First Search (DFS) or Breadth-First Search (BFS) to determine the number of connected components in any given graph. Your code should print the number of connected components and return a dictionary with component id as key and list of nodes as values.

Connected components are subsets of a graph in which every node is reachable from every other node in that subset by following edges. These components often represent distinct groups or communities within a graph. Your task is to repurpose Depth-First Search (DFS) or Breadth-First Search (BFS) to determine the number of connected components in any given graph. Your code should print the number of connected components and return a dictionary with component id as key and list of nodes as values.

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an additional task your assignment is to construct the traversal tree generated by both algorithms

An additional task is to construct the traversal tree generated by both algorithms. A traversal tree captures the order in which nodes or vertices are visited during the traversal. Were you able to identify all the edges in the original graph as well as in the traversal tree? If not, please provide insights into any missing edges and their implications within the graph. Perform this on the graph as illustrated below. Starting node: Germany Traversing order: Alphabetical priority (A-Z) Your code should return traversal tree (both BFS, DFS) as an object of networkx and visualize it.

An additional task is to construct the traversal tree generated by both algorithms. A traversal tree captures the order in which nodes or vertices are visited during the traversal. Were you able to identify all the edges in the original graph as well as in the traversal tree? If not, please provide insights into any missing edges and their implications within the graph. Perform this on the graph as illustrated below. Starting node: Germany Traversing order: Alphabetical priority (A-Z) Your co

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For this question you have to type code in the textbox provided You cannot attach a file as answer

For this question you have to type code in the textbox provided. You cannot attach a file as an answer. NB: Do not use TAB when entering your code, rather use spaces to indent. Use separate compilation to declare a class Voter as an ADT. Remember to include the necessary directives. The class Voter has three member variables: - ID (a string) - nrTimesVoted (an int value) - voted, a bool variable to indicate whether a voter has voted or not. Provide only the class declaration (interface) for the class Voter. The class Voter has the following member functions: - A default constructor - A destructor - A mutator for the member variable voted - An accessor for the member variable nrTimesVoted - An overloaded equality operator == (implemented as a friend function) with the following prototype: bool operator == (const Voter & V1, const Voter & V2) This function returns true if V1's ID is the same as V2's ID and false otherwise. - An overloaded stream extraction operator for the class Voter.

For this question you have to type code in the textbox provided. You cannot attach a file as an answer. NB: Do not use TAB when entering your code, rather use spaces to indent. Use separate compilation to declare a class Voter as an ADT. Remember to include the necessary directives. The class Voter has three member variables: – ID (a string) – nrTimesVoted (an int value) – voted, a bool variable to indicate whether a voter has voted or not. Provide only the class declaration (interface) for t

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