![Emergency Response Planning You are responsible for planning emergency response routes for a city. The city is represented as a graph, with intersections as nodes and roads as edges. In the event of an emergency, you need to find the shortest path from a central emergency command center to various locations in the city to minimize response time. The city's road network is represented as an undirected weighted graph, where each road has a known travel time (weight) associated with it. Your task is to find the shortest paths from the central emergency command center (Node F) to all other intersections in the city. Your code should return a nested list of [Source, Target, Duration]. Example: [[F, C, 2]]](https://gotit-pro.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/c150e24f-eb6a-4e13-a47f-5bc50d4fda18.jpg)
Emergency Response Planning
You are responsible for planning emergency response routes for a city. The city is represented as a graph, with intersections as nodes and roads as edges. In the event of an emergency, you need to find the shortest path from a central emergency command center to various locations in the city to minimize response time.
The city’s road network is represented as an undirected weighted graph, where each road has a known travel time (weight) associated with it. Your task is to find the shortest paths from the central emergency command center (Node F) to all other intersections in the city.
Your code should return a nested list of [Source, Target, Duration].
Example: [[F, C, 2]]
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