Write a program to create a customer’s bill for an electrical appliances company.

Write a program to create a customer’s bill for an electrical appliances company. Assume the company sells only THREE (3) different products: Plasma TV, LED TV and LCD TV. The unit prices are RM3500.00, RM3880.00 and RM2890.00, respectively. The program must read the quantity of each piece of the items purchased from the customer. It then calculates the cost of each item, the subtotal and the total cost after a 6% GST. Write the source code of the program. Your program must fulfill the following functions: readQuantity() – – this function will read the quantity of the TV return the quantity to the caller function. calculate Total() – this function will receive the quantity and the price of the TV and calculate the total price of a particular type of a TV. The price will be returned to the caller function. subTotal() – this function will receive the total of each TV types. It will calculate and print the subtotal (before GST) and the 6% GST. It will then return then overall total price to the caller function. Your program should include input validations when required. 

Output 1
Output 2

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