What role does terminology play in terms of understanding Aboriginal people? Provide examples.


What role does terminology play in terms of understanding Aboriginal people? Provide examples.


Terminology plays a critical role in understanding Aboriginal people because it helps to differentiate between various groups of Aboriginals peoples. There is three Aboriginal groups in Canada recognized by law: First Nation, Inuit, and Metis. The term “native” can be used to refer to all three groups. However, the term First Nations refers only Indians, but is not used for Metis or Inuit people. This terminology is important to remember in order to avoid mislabeling people of certain groups. Another example of Aboriginal terminology would be the designation of Status Indian and Non-Status Indian.It is often assumed that Native people are Status Indian, but it is crucial to recognize the difference amidst First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people before determining who is entitled to the legal Status.