The database StudentData.mdb (located in the email sent and in Canvas/Files) is maintained by the University Registrar. There is one table (table name = Students) in the database…

CPT 341 Visual Basic.NET Project 4 | Student Database

Database Management, Active Data Objects (ADO.NET), DataGridView Control, Structured Query Language (SQL), VB Form 

The database StudentData.mdb (located in the email sent and in Canvas/Files) is maintained by the University Registrar. There is one table (table name = Students) in the database that contains student information such as first name, last name, number of classes and major. Develop a Visual BASIC Forms App that will connect to the database using Active Data Objects (ADO), load the table data into a DataGridView control and allow the app user to change/update records, search, sort, and filter for full time students.

The database StudentData.mdb (located in the email sent and in Canvas/Files) is maintained by the University Registrar. There is one table (table name = Students) in the database that contains student information such as first name, last name, number of classes and major. Develop a Visual BASIC Forms App that will connect to the database using Active Data Objects (ADO), load the table data into a DataGridView control and allow the app user to change/update records, search, sort, and filter for full time students.

  1. Load the data from the StudentData database to a DataGridView control allowing a user to make edits within the DataGridView control.
  2. Provide the ability to sort last names in ascending and descending order
  3. Display in a DataGridView control students who are taking 4 or more classes
  4. Display in a DataGridView control student names that were searched by Last Name
  5. Provide the ability, for record changes made in the DataDridView control, to be saved back to the StudentData database

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