Develop 1 VB base class (clsShape) and 3 VB sub-classes (clsRectangle, clsTriangle, clsCircle) to be used for calculating center of gravity and area of the 3 common shapes in a developed Windows Forms App.

Develop 1 VB base class (clsShape) and 3 VB sub-classes (clsRectangle, clsTriangle, clsCircle) to be used for calculating center of gravity and area of the 3 common shapes in a developed Windows Forms App. General Project Requirements: 1. Develop a Base (parent) Class named clsShape containing 3 Properties (Base, Height, Diameter) 2. Develop an additional 3 derived sub-classes named clsRectangle, clsTriangle, clsCircle which Inherits the properties of the Base Class clsShape. For each of the derived classes, create 3 Functions to calculate the centroid (X), centroid(Y) and the Area 3. In a developed Windows Form, create an instance (object) for each derived class named objRect, objTri, objCircle to be used for calculating both the centroid and the area.

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