![Please help me in the following code in Python The tspAnalyze.py is below: The tspTest_v0.txt and tspTest_v1.txt is:"The travelling salesman problem (also called the traveling salespersonproblem or TSP) asks the following question: 'Given a list of cities andthe distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possibleroute that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city?'It is an NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization, important intheoretical computer science and operations research."- Wikipedia Contributors, "Travelling salesman problem",Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 10 October 2021.MAIN MENU0. Exit program1. Print database2. Limit dimension3. Plot one tourChoice (0-3)? 1NUM FILE NAME EDGE TYPE DIMENSION COMMENT 1 a280 EUC_2D 280 drilling problem (Ludwig) 2 ali535 GEO 535 535 Airports around the globe (Padberg/Rinaldi) 3 att48 ATT 48 48 capitals of the US (Padberg/Rinaldi) 4 att532 ATT 532 532-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi) 5 bayg29 EXPLICIT 29 29 Cities in Bavaria, geographical distances (Groetschel,Juenger,Reinelt) 6 bays29 EXPLICIT 29 29 cities in Bavaria, street distances (Groetschel,Juenger,Reinelt) 7 berlin52 EUC_2D 52 52 locations in Berlin (Groetschel) 8 bier127 EUC_2D 127 127 Biergaerten in Augsburg (Juenger/Reinelt) 9 brazil58 EXPLICIT 58 58 cities in Brazil (Ferreira)10 brd14051 EUC_2D 14051 BR Deutschland in den Grenzen von 1989 (Bachem/Wottawa)11 brg180 EXPLICIT 180 Bridge tournament problem (Rinaldi)12 burma14 GEO 14 14-Staedte in Burma (Zaw Win)13 ch130 EUC_2D 130 130 city problem (Churritz)14 ch150 EUC_2D 150 150 city Problem (churritz)15 d1291 EUC_2D 1291 Drilling problem (Reinelt)16 d15112 EUC_2D 15112 Deutschland-Problem (A.Rohe)17 d1655 EUC_2D 1655 Drilling problem (Reinelt)18 d18512 EUC_2D 18512 Bundesrepublik Deutschland (mit Ex-DDR) (Bachem/Wottawa)19 d198 EUC_2D 198 Drilling problem (Reinelt)20 d2103 EUC_2D 2103 Drilling problem (Reinelt)21 d493 EUC_2D 493 Drilling problem (Reinelt)22 d657 EUC_2D 657 Drilling problem (Reinelt)23 dantzig42 EXPLICIT 42 42 cities (Dantzig)24 dsj1000 CEIL_2D 1000 Clustered random problem (Johnson)25 eil101 EUC_2D 101 101-city problem (Christofides/Eilon)26 eil51 EUC_2D 51 51-city problem (Christofides/Eilon)27 eil76 EUC_2D 76 76-city problem (Christofides/Eilon)28 fl1400 EUC_2D 1400 Drilling problem (Reinelt)29 fl1577 EUC_2D 1577 Drilling problem (Reinelt)30 fl3795 EUC_2D 3795 Drilling problem (Reinelt)31 fl417 EUC_2D 417 Drilling problem (Reinelt)32 fnl4461 EUC_2D 4461 Die 5 neuen Laender Deutschlands (Ex-DDR) (Bachem/Wottawa)33 fri26 EXPLICIT 26 26 Staedte (Fricker)34 gil262 EUC_2D 262 262-city problem (Gillet/Johnson)35 gr120 EXPLICIT 120 120 cities in Germany (Groetschel)36 gr137 GEO 137 America-Subproblem of 666-city TSP (Groetschel)37 gr17 EXPLICIT 17 17-city problem (Groetschel)38 gr202 GEO 202 Europe-Subproblem of 666-city TSP (Groetschel)39 gr21 EXPLICIT 21 21-city problem (Groetschel)40 gr229 GEO 229 Asia/Australia-Subproblem of 666-city TSP (Groetschel)41 gr24 EXPLICIT 24 24-city problem (Groetschel)42 gr431 GEO 431 Europe/Asia/Australia-Subproblem of 666-city TSP (Groetschel)43 gr48 EXPLICIT 48 48-city problem (Groetschel)44 gr666 GEO 666 666 cities around the world (Groetschel)45 gr96 GEO 96 Africa-Subproblem of 666-city TSP (Groetschel)46 hk48 EXPLICIT 48 48-city problem (Held/Karp)47 kroA100 EUC_2D 100 100-city problem A (Krolak/Felts/Nelson)48 kroA150 EUC_2D 150 150-city problem A (Krolak/Felts/Nelson)49 kroA200 EUC_2D 200 200-city problem A (Krolak/Felts/Nelson)50 kroB100 EUC_2D 100 100-city problem B (Krolak/Felts/Nelson)51 kroB150 EUC_2D 150 150-city problem B (Krolak/Felts/Nelson)52 kroB200 EUC_2D 200 200-city problem B (Krolak/Felts/Nelson)53 kroC100 EUC_2D 100 100-city problem C (Krolak/Felts/Nelson)54 kroD100 EUC_2D 100 100-city problem D (Krolak/Felts/Nelson)55 kroE100 EUC_2D 100 100-city problem E (Krolak/Felts/Nelson)56 lin105 EUC_2D 105 105-city problem (Subproblem of lin318)57 lin318 EUC_2D 318 318-city problem (Lin/Kernighan)58 lin318 EUC_2D 318 Original 318-city problem (Lin/Kernighan)59 nrw1379 EUC_2D 1379 1379 Orte in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Bachem/Wottawa)60 p654 EUC_2D 654 Drilling problem (Reinelt)61 pa561.tsp EXPLICIT 561 561-city problem (Kleinschmidt)62 pcb1173 EUC_2D 1173 Drilling problem (Juenger/Reinelt)63 pcb3038 EUC_2D 3038 Drilling problem (Junger/Reinelt)64 pcb442 EUC_2D 442 Drilling problem (Groetschel/Juenger/Reinelt)65 pla33810 CEIL_2D 33810 Programmed logic array (Johnson)66 pla7397 CEIL_2D 7397 Programmed logic array (Johnson)67 pla85900 CEIL_2D 85900 Programmed logic array (Johnson)68 pr1002 EUC_2D 1002 1002-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi)69 pr107 EUC_2D 107 107-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi)70 pr124 EUC_2D 124 124-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi)71 pr136 EUC_2D 136 136-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi)72 pr144 EUC_2D 144 144-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi)73 pr152 EUC_2D 152 152-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi)74 pr226 EUC_2D 226 226-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi)75 pr2392 EUC_2D 2392 2392-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi)76 pr264 EUC_2D 264 264-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi)77 pr299 EUC_2D 299 299-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi)78 pr439 EUC_2D 439 439-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi)79 pr76 EUC_2D 76 76-city problem (Padberg/Rinaldi)80 rat195 EUC_2D 195 Rattled grid (Pulleyblank)81 rat575 EUC_2D 575 Rattled grid (Pulleyblank)82 rat783 EUC_2D 783 Rattled grid (Pulleyblank)83 rat99 EUC_2D 99 Rattled grid (Pulleyblank)84 rd100 EUC_2D 100 100-city random TSP (Reinelt)85 rd400 EUC_2D 400 400-city random TSP (Reinelt)86 rl11849 EUC_2D 11849 11849-city TSP (Reinelt)87 rl1304 EUC_2D 1304 1304-city TSP (Reinelt)88 rl1323 EUC_2D 1323 1323-city TSP (Reinelt)89 rl1889 EUC_2D 1889 1889-city TSP (Reinelt)90 rl5915 EUC_2D 5915 5915-city TSP (Reinelt)91 rl5934 EUC_2D 5934 5934-city TSP (Reinelt)92 si1032 EXPLICIT 1032 []93 si175 EXPLICIT 175 []94 si535 EXPLICIT 535 []95 st70 EUC_2D 70 70-city problem (Smith/Thompson)96 swiss42 EXPLICIT 42 42 Staedte Schweiz (Fricker)97 ts225 EUC_2D 225 225-city problem (Juenger,Raecke,Tschoecke)98 tsp225 EUC_2D 225 A TSP problem (Reinelt)99 u1060 EUC_2D 1060 Drilling problem problem (Reinelt)100 u1432 EUC_2D 1432 Drilling problem (Reinelt)101 u159 EUC_2D 159 Drilling problem (Reinelt)102 u1817 EUC_2D 1817 Drilling problem (Reinelt)103 u2152 EUC_2D 2152 Drilling problem (Reinelt)104 u2319 EUC_2D 2319 Drilling problem (Reinelt)105 u574 EUC_2D 574 Drilling problem (Reinelt)106 u724 EUC_2D 724 Drilling problem (Reinelt)107 ulysses16 GEO 16 Odyssey of Ulysses (Groetschel/Padberg)108 ulysses22 GEO 22 Odyssey of Ulysses (Groetschel/Padberg)109 usa13509 EUC_2D 13509 The file US.lat-long.Z can be found in the directory /doc/geography.110 vm1084 EUC_2D 1084 1084-city problem (Reinelt)111 vm1748 EUC_2D 1748 1784-city problem (Reinelt)MAIN MENU0. Exit program1. Print database2. Limit dimension3. Plot one tourChoice (0-3)? 3Number (EUC_2D)? 45Invalid (GEO)!!!MAIN MENU0. Exit program1. Print database2. Limit dimension3. Plot one tourChoice (0-3)? 3Number (EUC_2D)? 7See tspPlot.pngMAIN MENU0. Exit program1. Print database2. Limit dimension3. Plot one tourChoice (0-3)? 0](https://gotit-pro.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/688ee900-8844-48c6-a6ea-0ddfad7cd174.jpg)
Please help me in the following code in Python The tspAnalyze.py is below: The tspTest_v0.txt and tspTest_v1.txt is:”The travelling salesman problem (also called the traveling salespersonproblem or TSP) asks the following question: ‘Given a list of cities andthe distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possibleroute that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city?’It is an NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization, important intheoretical computer science