# Please in MIPS AssemblyIn this Project, we will add a few more helpful subprograms to below file.Notes: assume your subprograms already have inputs in the ‘a’ register(s) ($a0…$a3) and should store output(s) in the ‘v’ register(s) ($v0, $v1).Notes: no need to get user input or print output values, other subprograms in utils.asm can be used to do that.Notes: don’t ‘exit’ at the end of your subprogram, you need to return to the calling program using a jump operation NOR – take two input parameters and return the NOR operation on those two parametersNAND – take two input parameters and return the NAND operation on those two parametersMult4 – take an input parameter and return that parameter multiplied by 4 using only the shift operation.Swap – take two input parameters and swap them using only the XOR operation.File: utils.asm # Purpose: To define utilities which will be used in MIPS programs.# # Title to and ownership of all intellectual property rights # in this file are the exclusive property of Charles W. Kann.## Subprograms Index:# Exit Call syscall with a server 10 to exit the program# PrintNewLine Print a new line character (\n) to the console# PrintInt Print a string with an integer to the console# PrintString Print a string to the console# PromptInt Prompt for an int & return it to the calling program.## Modification History# 12/27/2014 – Initial release# Subprogram: Exit# Author: Charles Kann# Purpose: to use syscall service 10 to exit a program# Input/Output: None# Side effects: The program is exited.textExit: li $v0, 10 syscall# Subprogram: PrintNewLine# Author: Charles Kann# Purpose: to output a new line to the user console# Input/Output: None# Side effects: A new line character is printed to the user’s console.textPrintNewLine: li $v0, 4 la $a0, __PNL_newline syscall jr $ra.data __PNL_newline: .asciiz “\n”# Subprogram: PrintInt# Author: Charles W. Kann# Purpose: To print a string to the console# Input: $a0 – The address of the string to print.# $a1 – The value of the int to print# Output: None# Side effects: The String is printed followed by the integer value..textPrintInt: # Print string. The string address is already in $a0 li $v0, 4 syscall # Print integer. The integer value is in $a1, and must # be first moved to $a0. move $a0, $a1 li $v0, 1 syscall #Return jr $ra# Subprogram: PrintString# Author: Charles W. Kann# Purpose: To print a string to the console# Input: $a0 – The address of the string to print.# Output: None# Side effects: The String is printed to the console..textPrintString: addi $v0, $zero, 4 syscall jr $ra# Subprogram: PromptInt# Author: Charles W. Kann# Purpose: To print the user for an integer input, and# to return that input value to the caller.# Input: $a0 – The address of the string to print.# Output: $v0 – The value the user entered# Side effects: The String is printed followed by the integer value..textPromptInt: # Print the prompt, which is already in $a0 li $v0, 4 syscall # Read the integer. Note: at the end of the syscall the value is # already in $v0, so there is no need to move it anywhere. li $v0, 5 syscall #Return jr $ra