Write a script that will import data from a file and calculate both the Euclidean and Manhattan

Write a script that will import data from a file and calculate both the Euclidean and Manhattan Distances for all points. Then determine which points are the closest and furthest apart. Create a data file with at least 20 rows. You will need 2 attributes for each data point. For example: Point A, Point B, and both points have 2 attributes, say Speed and Velocity. So your data file will have, at minimum, 4 columns.

Write a script that will import data from a file and calculate both the Euclidean and Manhattan Distances for all points. Then determine which points are the closest and furthest apart.

Create a data file with at least 20 rows. You will need 2 attributes for each data point. For example: Point A, Point B, and both points have 2 attributes, say Speed and Velocity. So your data file will have, at minimum, 4 columns.

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