Write a Python program to implement the Student Management System:
i. Each student record consists of 4 fields of information: Student ID, Name, Sex, and Phone Number.
ii. Use a dictionary to implement a student record.
iii. Use a list to hold all student records.
iv. The program displays a menu of 6 choices for the user to choose from:
a) Add a student record
b) Delete a student record
c) Update a student record
d) Show all the information in a student record
e) Search through all records with a user-supplied key value in a field (e.g., “Sex = F”, “Last Name = Wong”) and display the records found
f) Quit
v. Write a function for each of the 5 functionalities: Add, Delete, Update, Show, Search.
vi. The format of Student ID is a 10-digit number like that of CUHK.
vii. Name consists of two parts: First name and Last Name.
viii. Sex is either “M” or “F”.
ix. Phone number is an 8-digit number.
x. Check the validity of all inputs.
xi. Make the program user-friendly and robust; that is, display appropriate error messages to the user instead of program interrupting or crashing.