[Python] Write a program that will display the first and last name entry as “initials”, “name in address book” and user name.

Write a program that will display the first and last name entry as “initials”, “name in address book” and user name. 


  • The users enters a person’s first and last name as separate inputs.
  • The program finds the “initials”, “name in address book” and user name.
  • The program displays the “initials”, “name in address book” and user name.

SAMPLE RUN (User entry is in RED) 

User’s Entry

Enter last name Smith

Enter first name John


The person’s

Initials: J.S.

Name in address book: John SMITH

User name: jsmith

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Write a program that will display the first and last name entry as “initials”, “name in address book” and user name
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