Write a program in a mall that will enable customers to reach the store they want to go to in the shortest way.

The coordinates of the some important stores in the mall are given below:

Cinema: (256.6, 92.3)
Sport Center: (120.5, 5.5)
Restaurant: (350.0, 165.5)
Cafe: (102.3, 10.26)
Bowling: (40.8, 72.35)
Clothes Store: (92.5, 86.4)
Toy Store: (90.5, 302.1)

Program Stores the road network as an adjacency matrix. Locations will be seen as numbers when the program opened. The user enters the starting position and the arrival position. And the program calculates the shortest path and displays visited places to the user with total distance.

Use adjacency matrix
Use an algorithm for shortest path and explain it (part b)
Display visited places
Display the distance

Write a program in a mall that will enable customers to reach the store they want to go to in the shortest way. The coordinates of the some important stores in the mall are given below.
Write a program in a mall that will enable customers to reach the store they want to go to in the shortest way. The coordinates of the some important stores in the mall are given below

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