Write a C++ program using array and loop that prompts a user to enter 15 Students marks in Program Design and Implementation (PDI) Module in an array.

Write a C++ program using array and loop that prompts a user to enter 15 Students’ marks in Program Design and Implementation (PDI) Module in an array. The program sorts the students’ marks in descending order using a loop and displays the marks of all students as well as lowest, highest, average marks, and the class result based on the average module marks.

The result criteria is given below:

Average is less than 40 = Poor Result

Average is between 40 to 49 = Fair Result

Average is less than 50 to 59= Good Result

Average is less than 60 to 69 = Very Good Result

Average is between 70 to 79 = Excellent Result

Average is 80 or greater = Outstanding Result

Note: You must demonstrate the use of arrays and loops. Your code must be properly commented.

Sample Output:

Welcome to Result Management System

Enter PDI Marks of Student 1: 50

Enter PDI Marks of Student 2: 35

Enter PDI Marks of Student 3: 30

Enter PDI Marks of Student 4: 65

Enter PDI Marks of Student 5: 70

Enter PDI Marks of Student 6: 73

Enter PDI Marks of Student 7: 55

Enter PDI Marks of Student 8: 48

Enter PDI Marks of Student 9: 20

Enter PDI Marks of Student 10: 45

Enter PDI Marks of Student 11: 75

Enter PDI Marks of Student 12: 35

Enter PDI Marks of Student 13: 45

Enter PDI Marks of Student 14: 24

Enter PDI Marks of Student 15: 41

75, 73, 70, 65, 55, 50, 48, 45, 45, 41, 35, 35, 30, 24, 20

All Students’ Marks in PDI (Highest to Lowest)

Lowest Marks: 20

Highest Marks: 75

Average Marks: 47.4

Fair Result

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