Directions: Using best practises in programming, design and develop a project based on the following requirements:
1. Upon running the program, it should welcome the user to your Ice Cream shop and assign them a random order number. (randomly generated by the system.)
2. Next, it should ask the user if they want ice cream on a cone or cup.
3. Ask them for the number of scoops. Limit the maximum number of scoops to three.
4. Ask them for the flavour of the ice cream for each scoop they selected. For the scope of this program, please limit the options to three.
5. Ask them if they want any toppings. For this program, please limit the possible toppings to three.
6. Come up with an algorithm to set prices based on the user's choices.
7. Recap the order. If the user confirms, thank them and display that the order was placed.
8. Based on user selected options display a total (with tax and tips). Display this summary including order number.
9. Ask the user if they want to place another order. If they say yes, repeat the steps. If not, end the program.
Purpose: To demo the knowledge and use of loops and conditional statements. To think and select the proper loop to accomplish different tasks. Throughout the program, pay attention to variable definitions, data types, initializations, and all other good programming practices.