Program #2: Matrix Multiplication This program multiplies two square matrices. You can assume that the size of each matrix is 4×4. You are to design the processor’s FSMD, Datapath and control unit to execute this algorithm. The pseudocode is given below: MatrixMultiplication(matrixA, matrixB): rowsA = number of rows in matrixA colsA = number of columns in matrixA colsB = number of columns in matrixB result = create a new matrix with dimensions rowsA x colsB for i from 0 to rowsA – 1: for j from 0 to colsB – 1: result[i][j] = 0 for k from 0 to colsA – 1: result[i][j] += matrixA[i][k] * matrixB[k][j] end end end return result
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