MainPageExerciseshw51 Python Solve an Exercise 3 binarysearchnumbers LanguageType Related

Main Page Exercise: hw5.1 Python Solve an Exercise: 3 - binary_search_numbers Language/Type: Related Links: Given the following sorted lists of integers: - What indexes will be examined as the middle element by a binary search for the target value 8 when the search is run on the following input lists? - What value will the binary search algorithm return? (Notice that the input list e isn't in sorted order. What can you say about the binary search algorithm's result?) a. Indexes examined: a. Value returned: b. Indexes examined: b. Value returned: c. Indexes examined: c. Value returned: d. Indexes examined: d. Value returned: e. Indexes examined: e. Value returned: You passed 5 of 10 tests. Try again.

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Exercise: hw5.1 Python

Solve an Exercise: 3 – binary_search_numbers


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Given the following sorted lists of integers:

– What indexes will be examined as the middle element by a binary search for the target value 8 when the search is run on the following input lists?
– What value will the binary search algorithm return? (Notice that the input list e isn’t in sorted order. What can you say about the binary search algorithm’s result?)

a. Indexes examined:
a. Value returned:

b. Indexes examined:
b. Value returned:

c. Indexes examined:
c. Value returned:

d. Indexes examined:
d. Value returned:

e. Indexes examined:
e. Value returned:

You passed 5 of 10 tests. Try again.

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