CS3443 Simulating 4bit MIPS ALU You are to write a gate level simulator for a simple 4bit ALU

CS3443: Simulating 4-bit MIPS ALU You are to write a gate level simulator for a simple 4-bit ALU with the following operations: - AND - OR - ADD (1-bit full adder) - SUB - SLT - Overflows/zero Detection All the operations and architectures to simulate are based on what we have studied in class. So, we'll review them before simulation. Note that the underlying number system is two's complement. You may use any language of your choice to write the simulator. 1) Input format (to be input from the command line): Opcode (in string) operand1 operand2 (both operands in integer): e.g., ADD 11110001, SUB 11110001, AND 11110001, OR 11110001, SLT 1111 0001 2) Output format (to be displayed on the screen): - For ADD, SUB, AND, OR: Opcode: 4-bit result, 1-bit overflow-detection, 1-bit zero-detection ADD: 0000,1,1 SUB: 1110,0,0 AND: 0001,0,0 OR: 1111,0,0 - For SLT: 1-bit result (0 or 1) SLT: 0001

CS3443: Simulating 4-bit MIPS ALU

You are to write a gate level simulator for a simple 4-bit ALU with the following operations:
– OR
– ADD (1-bit full adder)
– Overflows/zero Detection

All the operations and architectures to simulate are based on what we have studied in class. So, we’ll review them before simulation. Note that the underlying number system is two’s complement.

You may use any language of your choice to write the simulator.

1) Input format (to be input from the command line):
Opcode (in string) operand1 operand2 (both operands in integer):
e.g., ADD 11110001, SUB 11110001, AND 11110001, OR 11110001, SLT 1111 0001

2) Output format (to be displayed on the screen):
– For ADD, SUB, AND, OR:
Opcode: 4-bit result, 1-bit overflow-detection, 1-bit zero-detection
ADD: 0000,1,1
SUB: 1110,0,0
AND: 0001,0,0
OR: 1111,0,0

– For SLT:
1-bit result (0 or 1)
SLT: 0001

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