Welcome to the CMSY 156 Pizza Shop Enter 1 for delivery or 2 for piakup 3 Frror Please entar

Welcome to the CMSY 156 Pizza Shop Enter 1 for delivery or 2 for pickup: 3 Error: Please enter either 1 or 2. Please try again! Enter 1 for delivery; 2 for pickup: 2 What would you like to order today? 1. Plain Pizza 2. Pepperoni Pizza 3. Veggie Pizza 4. Checkout Enter your order here: 1 You ordered a plain pizza. 1. Main pizza 2. Pepperoni pizza 3. Veggie pizza 4. Checkout Enter your order here: 5 Error: Please enter a valid menu option. Please try again! What would you like to order today? 1. Plain Pizza 2. Pepperoni Pizza 3. Veggie Pizza 4. Checkout Enter your order here: 4 Please enter the amount of the tip: $1.25 The total cost with tax and tip is: $13.44 Thank you for using the CMSY-156 Pizza Shop. Please come again >> In this program, you will be expanding on the pizza shop program that was written for Lab3 Part 1. The program now needs to use a while loop to check for the validity of the entries. And it needs to use a while loop to allow the user to buy more than one pizza. The program must do the following: 1. Display the title of the program 2. Ask the user if this is a pickup or a delivery a. The code must validate the input; if the input is invalid, the code must display the appropriate error message and allow the user to reenter their input. b. The code must repeat until the user enters a valid input. c. If the user wants this to be a delivery, the code must require the user to enter in the delivery address 3. Display a menu of pizzas available and an option to checkout a. The code must validate the input; if the input is invalid, the code must display the appropriate error message and allow the user to reenter their input b. The code must repeat until the user enters a valid input c. If the user selects a pizza, the code must calculate the cost of the pizza (including 6% sales tax). The pizza costs are: i. Plain - $11.50 ii. Veggie - $12.50 iii. Pepperoni $13.50 d. The code must accumulate the total cost of every pizza ordered until the user selects to checkout e. Once the user selects to checkout, the code must: i. Ask the user to enter in the tip ii. Calculate the total cost which is the cost of all the pizzas purchased plus the tip (if any) plus the delivery charge (if any) iii. Display the total cost and the delivery address (if any) 4. Display a thank you message at the end Welcome to the CMSY-156 Pizza Shop Enter 1 for delivery or 2 for pickup: 1 Please enter your delivery address: 123 Python Way, Columbia MD 21044 What would you like to order today? 1. Plain Pizza 2. Pepperoni Pizza 3. Veggie Pizza 4. Checkout Enter your order here: 3 You ordered a veggie pizza What would you like to order today? 1. Plain Pizza 2. Pepperoni Pizza 3. Veggie Pizza 4. Checkout Enter your order here: 2 You ordered a pepperoni pizza What would you like to order today? 1. Plain Pizza 2. Pepperoni Pizza 3. Veggie Pizza 4. Checkout Enter your order here: 4 Please enter the amount of the tip: $3.50 The total cost with tax, tip and delivery charge is: $36.06 The pizza will be delivered to: 123 Python Way, Columbia MD 21044 Thank you for using the CMSY-156 Pizza Shop. Please come again

Welcome to the CMSY 156 Pizza Shop Enter 1 for delivery or 2 for pickup: 3 Error: Please enter either 1 or 2. Please try again! Enter 1 for delivery; 2 for pickup: 2 What would you like to order today? 1. Plain Pizza 2. Pepperoni Pizza 3. Veggie Pizza 4. Checkout Enter your order here: 1 You ordered a plain pizza. 1. Main pizza 2. Pepperoni pizza 3. Veggie pizza 4. Checkout Enter your order here: 5 Error: Please enter a valid menu option. Please try again! What would you like

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Objective read names from two different files into your program and write each name to a single new

Objective: - Read names from two different files into your program and write each name to a single new file. - Download the namelist1.txt and namelist2.txt input files from the assignment page in Canvas and place them in the same folder as your program. - Input files: - nameslist1.txt - nameslist2.txt - Each file contains a list of 200 unique names. - Output file: - Output all names to an output file called allnames.txt - Write a program that reads the names from the two input files and writes the names to the two output files. Steps: a. Ask the user to input the file name and path of the first input file. - Use a try/except block to open all input before processing. - If the file cannot be opened, display the appropriate error message, and require the user to reenter the file name and path. - Continue looping until the user has entered a valid file name and path. b. Ask the user to input the file name and path of the second input file. - Use a try/except block to open all input before processing. - If the file cannot be opened, display the appropriate error message, and require the user to reenter the file name and path. - Continue looping until the user has entered a valid file name and path. c. Ask the user to input the file name and path of the output file. - Use a try/except block to open all input before processing. - If the file cannot be opened, display the appropriate error message, and require the user to reenter the file name and path. - Continue looping until the user has entered a valid file name and path. d. Processing: - Use a try/except block to read from the input files and write to the output file. - Read all the names from one input file at a time. Write the names to the output file. - You must use a while loop to process the first input file (nameslist1.txt) and write to the output file. - You must use a for loop to process the second input file (nameslist2.txt) and write to the output file. - Each line in each input file is one name. - Each name must be written on a separate line in the output file. - There must be no blank lines between names in the output files. e. Close all input files and the output file after all names have been processed. Rubric: The rubric is located on the assignment page in Canvas. Please review the rubric to make sure you meet all of the requirements for this lab. Screen Shot: Enter the path and name of the first file: c:test Terr.txt Error: file(s) not found, or could not be opened. Please reenter. Enter the path and name of the first file: c:testnameslist.1.t.t. Enter the path and name of the second file: c:testerr.txt Error: file(s) not found, or could not be opened. Please reenter. Enter the path and name of the second file: c:testnameslist2.txt Enter the path and name of the output file: c:testallnames.txt Names processing started Names processing complete

Objective: – Read names from two different files into your program and write each name to a single new file. – Download the namelist1.txt and namelist2.txt input files from the assignment page in Canvas and place them in the same folder as your program. – Input files: – nameslist1.txt – nameslist2.txt – Each file contains a list of 200 unique names. – Output file: – Output all names to an output file called allnames.txt – Write a program that reads the names from the two

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Expense Tracker C programProject DescriptionCreate a program that helps users track their daily or

Expense Tracker” C programProject Description:Create a program that helps users track their daily or monthly expenses. The program should allow usersto input their expenses, categorize them, calculate totals, and generate reports.Key Features:1. Implement a system for users to input their daily expenses.2. Allow users to enter the expense amount, date, and category.3. Define expense categories (e.g., groceries, transportation, entertainment) for users to select whenentering expenses.4. Calculate

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Write a MIPS program to convert the following C code to MIPS int main int

int main() { int A[] = {15, 20, 35, 20, 45, 65, 20}; int x = 0; int y = 20; int z = 0; while (x < 7) { if (A[x] == y) { z++; } x++; } return 0; }

int main() { int A[] = {15, 20, 35, 20, 45, 65, 20}; int x = 0; int y = 20; int z = 0; while (x < 7) { if (A[x] == y) { z++; } x++; } return 0; }

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Write a C console application that displays a table of Celsius temperatures from 0 through 20 and

Write a C++ console application that displays a table of Celsius temperatures from 0 through 20 and their equivalent Fahrenheit temperature values. The formula for converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit is: F = 1.8 * C + 32 where C is the temperature value in Celsius and F is the equivalent temperature in Fahrenheit. Your program must use a loop to display the temperature values. Submit the following documents: 1. C++ Source file (.cpp) 2. Screenshot for the execution of the program.

Write a C++ console application that displays a table of Celsius temperatures from 0 through 20 and their equivalent Fahrenheit temperature values. The formula for converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit is: F = 1.8 * C + 32 where C is the temperature value in Celsius and F is the equivalent temperature in Fahrenheit. Your program must use a loop to display the temperature values. Submit the following documents: 1. C++ Source file (.cpp) 2. Screenshot for the execution of the program.

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25 1 Complete case for problem 1 in paint method to draw the following shape based on current

Java, Please help with my code, Need my draw lines to be exact like in pictureimport java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Homework2 extends Frame implements ActionListener { String command = ""; public static void main(String[] args) { Frame frame = new Homework2(); frame.setResizable(true); frame.setSize(900,800); frame.setVisible(true); } public Homework2() { setTitle("Homework2 - CSC 229 - Seyed"); // Create Menu MenuBar mb = new MenuBar(); setMenuBar(mb); Menu fileMenu = new Menu("File"); mb.add(fileMenu); MenuItem miAbout = new MenuItem("About"); miAbout.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(miAbout); MenuItem miExit = new MenuItem("Exit"); miExit.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(miExit); Menu actionMenu = new Menu("Shapes"); mb.add(actionMenu); MenuItem miP1 = new MenuItem("Problem 1"); miP1.addActionListener(this); actionMenu.add(miP1); MenuItem miP2 = new MenuItem("Problem 2"); miP2.addActionListener(this); actionMenu.add(miP2); // End program when window is closed WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev) { System.exit(0); } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent ev) { repaint(); } public void windowStateChanged(WindowEvent ev) { repaint(); } }; ComponentListener k = new ComponentAdapter() { public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { repaint(); } }; // register listeners this.addWindowListener(l); this.addComponentListener(k); } //****************************************************************************** // called by windows manager whenever the application window performs an action // (select a menu item, close, resize, .... //****************************************************************************** public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { // figure out which command was issued command = ev.getActionCommand(); // take action accordingly switch(command) { case "About": { repaint(); break; } case "Exit": { System.exit(0); } case "Problem 1": { repaint(); break; } case "Problem 2": { repaint(); break; } } } //******************************************************** // called by repaint() to redraw the screen //******************************************************** public void paint(Graphics g) { int ww = (int) this.getWidth(); // current width of the window int wh = (int) this.getHeight(); // current height of the window int s = 40; // Check Command issued, take action accordingly switch(command) { case "About": { break; } case "Exit": { System.exit(0); } case "Problem 1": { break; } case "Problem 2": { break; } } } }

Java, Please help with my code, Need my draw lines to be exact like in pictureimport java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Homework2 extends Frame implements ActionListener { String command = “”; public static void main(String[] args) { Frame frame = new Homework2(); frame.setResizable(true); frame.setSize(900,800); frame.setVisible(true); } public Homework2() { setTitle(“Homework2 – CSC 229 – Seye

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This lab is an exercise of using Javas and Cs dynamic binding features The uncompleted programs

This lab is an exercise of using Java’s and C++’s dynamic binding features. The uncompleted programs to run in Java and in C++ are given below. Note that you need to create a driver class with the main method to run the Java program. Also, you need to write the main function to run the C++ program. Perform the following activities:predict the output of the Java program.run the Java program and compare your prediction to the actual output of the program. Complete the C++ program such that it prin

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