719 LAB Multiplications and divisions using shift operations bitwise operations Shifting a

7.19 LAB: Multiplications and divisions using shift operations bitwise operations Shifting a positive integer left by i bits gives the same result as multiplying the same integer by 2i. N2i = N << i Likewise, shifting a positive integer right by i bits gives the same result as dividing the same integer by 2i. N2i = N >> i Given an integer N stored at memory address 5000, write a program that stores the result of N8 at memory address 5004 and the result of N/16 at memory address 5008. Use the '+' button under the Memory display to initialize the memory at address 5000. Ex: If the content at memory address 5000 is initialized in the simulator as 64, the data memory will contain: Note: Shift-right performs an integer division; therefore, digits after the decimal point are ignored.

7.19 LAB: Multiplications and divisions using shift operations bitwise operations

Shifting a positive integer left by i bits gives the same result as multiplying the same integer by 2i.
N2i = N << i Likewise, shifting a positive integer right by i bits gives the same result as dividing the same integer by 2i. N2i = N >> i

Given an integer N stored at memory address 5000, write a program that stores the result of N8 at memory address 5004 and the result of N/16 at memory address 5008. Use the ‘+’ button under the Memory display to initialize the memory at address 5000.

Ex: If the content at memory address 5000 is initialized in the simulator as 64, the data memory will contain:

Note: Shift-right performs an integer division; therefore, digits after the decimal point are ignored.

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