6 Write a program to determine the maximum height to which a projectile will travel if atmospheric

6. Write a program to determine the maximum height to which a projectile will travel if atmospheric resistance is neglected, for different initial velocities. This problem demonstrates the use of repetition controlled by a terminating limit. Method: The mass of the projectile is m, the initial velocity is v0 m/sec, the last initial velocity is vft/sec. From equations of motion: w=mg, Fz=maz. Applying these equations for the projectile results in the following equations: mg=mac gives ac=g. Initial conditions: s0=0, v0=v. Final conditions: sf=h, vf=0. From Kinematics: vf2=v02+2ac(sfs0) 0=v2+2ac(h0) 2ach=v2 h=2acv2 Data: Real values of initial velocity at 50, 100, 150, and 200 ft/sec. The real value of gravitational acceleration is 32.2 ft/sec2. 7. Write a program to compute and print a table of torsion shear stresses for circular rods having various torsion loads at various offsets. This problem demonstrates the use of nested repetitions. Data: Diameter: 5 and 6 inches. Load: 1000 and 12,000 pounds. Offset: 10, 15, and 20 L. Method: Let D = diameter of the rod. P = torsion load in pounds. L = offset. The torsion shear stress is given by the formula Ts = D^3/(16PL). 8. Write a program that reads numbers from an array and graphs the information in the form of a bar chart or histogram. The number is printed first, and then a bar consisting of that many asterisks is printed beside the number. Note: The define size of the array is 10. Example: [Number]: ********** [Number]: * [Number]: ********* [Number]: ***** [Number]: ********** [Number]: **** [Number]: ** [Number]: ******* [Number]: ******** [Number]: *******

6. Write a program to determine the maximum height to which a projectile will travel if atmospheric resistance is neglected, for different initial velocities. This problem demonstrates the use of repetition controlled by a terminating limit.

The mass of the projectile is m, the initial velocity is v0 m/sec, the last initial velocity is vft/sec. From equations of motion: w=mg, Fz=maz. Applying these equations for the projectile results in the following equations: mg=mac gives ac=g.

Initial conditions: s0=0, v0=v.
Final conditions: sf=h, vf=0.

From Kinematics:


Real values of initial velocity at 50, 100, 150, and 200 ft/sec.
The real value of gravitational acceleration is 32.2 ft/sec2.

7. Write a program to compute and print a table of torsion shear stresses for circular rods having various torsion loads at various offsets. This problem demonstrates the use of nested repetitions.

Diameter: 5 and 6 inches.
Load: 1000 and 12,000 pounds.
Offset: 10, 15, and 20 L.

Let D = diameter of the rod.
P = torsion load in pounds.
L = offset.

The torsion shear stress is given by the formula Ts = D^3/(16PL).

8. Write a program that reads numbers from an array and graphs the information in the form of a bar chart or histogram. The number is printed first, and then a bar consisting of that many asterisks is printed beside the number.

The define size of the array is 10.

[Number]: **********
[Number]: *
[Number]: *********
[Number]: *****
[Number]: **********
[Number]: ****
[Number]: **
[Number]: *******
[Number]: ********
[Number]: *******

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