5. Write a program that implements a class called MyTeam. Your class should have the following…

5. Write a program that implements a class called MyTeam. Your class should have the following private data items: Id (int), Name (string), Slogan (string), Wins (int), and Losses (int). You need to define properties with appropriate accessor functions for each of the data items. Methods should include a default constructor that sets values to the empty string or zero, a constructor that allows the user to specify all values for the data items, a member method called DisplayTeamInfo that outputs all the information for the given toy in a reasonable format. Challenge Problem: Code your set accessors to restrict all numeric fields (Id, Wins, Losses) to positive numbers. You can determine how you want to report/respond to the error. (25 pts) The code below is my suggestion for your Main() method for Program 22 static void Main(string[] args) { MyTeam myHitchhikers = new MyTeam(); myHitchhikers.Id = 42; myHitchhikers.Name = "Ford Prefect et. al."; myHitchhikers.Slogan = "Don't panic!"; myHitchhikers.Wins = 525; myHitchhikers.Losses = 42; Console.WriteLine("nTeam 1 Information"); myHitchhikers.DisplayTeamInfo(); MyTeam mykitties = new MyTeam(); Console.WriteLine("nTeall 2 Information"); mykitties.DisplayTeamInfo(); MyTeam myPatriots = new MyTeam(2023, "UC Patriots", "One Big Team", 42, 3); Console.WriteLine("nTeam 3 Information"); myPatriots.DisplayTeamInfo(); //This will test your Challenge Problem Settings if you attempted them Console.WriteLine("nTeam 4 Information"); MyTeam mywinners = new MyTeam(13, "Winners", "We like to win more than you do", -20, -35); } myllinners.DisplayTeamInfo();

5. Write a program that implements a class called MyTeam. Your class should have the following private data items: Id (int), Name (string), Slogan (string), Wins (int), and Losses (int). You need to define properties with appropriate accessor functions for each of the data items.

Methods should include a default constructor that sets values to the empty string or zero, a constructor that allows the user to specify all values for the data items, a member method called DisplayTeamInfo that outputs all the information for the given toy in a reasonable format.

Challenge Problem: Code your set accessors to restrict all numeric fields (Id, Wins, Losses) to positive numbers. You can determine how you want to report/respond to the error. (25 pts)

The code below is my suggestion for your Main() method for Program 22

static void Main(string[] args)
MyTeam myHitchhikers = new MyTeam();
myHitchhikers.Id = 42;
myHitchhikers.Name = “Ford Prefect et. al.”;
myHitchhikers.Slogan = “Don’t panic!”;
myHitchhikers.Wins = 525;
myHitchhikers.Losses = 42;
Console.WriteLine(“\nTeam 1 Information”);

MyTeam mykitties = new MyTeam();
Console.WriteLine(“\nTeall 2 Information”);

MyTeam myPatriots = new MyTeam(2023, “UC Patriots”, “One Big Team”, 42, 3);
Console.WriteLine(“\nTeam 3 Information”);

//This will test your Challenge Problem Settings if you attempted them
Console.WriteLine(“\nTeam 4 Information”);
MyTeam mywinners = new MyTeam(13, “Winners”, “We like to win more than you do”, -20, -35);


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