4. Write a program that implements and uses a class called MyRectangle. Data items should include:…

Write a program that implements and uses a class called MyRectangle. Data items should include: length, width, color, and label. Define properties with appropriate accessor functions for each of the data items. Methods should include a default constructor that sets values to the empty string or zero, a constructor that allows the user to specify all values for the data items, a member method that computes and returns the area of the shape, and a member method called DisplayShape that outputs all the information (including the area via the ComputeArea method for the given rectangle in a reasonable format.

Write a program that implements and uses a class called MyRectangle. Data items should include: length, width, color, and label. Define properties with appropriate accessor functions for each of the data items.

Methods should include a default constructor that sets values to the empty string or zero, a constructor that allows the user to specify all values for the data items, a member method that computes and returns the area of the shape, and a member method called DisplayShape that outputs all the information (including the area via the ComputeArea method for the given rectangle in a reasonable format.

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