3 Do each of the following a Write the function header for a function exchange that takes two

3 Do each of the following: a) Write the function header for a function `exchange` that takes two pointers to floating-point numbers `x` and `y` as parameters and does not return a value. b) Write the function prototype for the function in part (a). c) Write the function header for a function `evaluate` that returns an integer and that takes as parameters integer `x` and a pointer to function `poly`, which represents a function that takes an integer parameter and returns an integer. d) Write the function prototype for the function in part (c)

3 Do each of the following: a) Write the function header for a function `exchange` that takes two pointers to floating-point numbers `x` and `y` as parameters and does not return a value. b) Write the function prototype for the function in part (a). c) Write the function header for a function `evaluate` that returns an integer and that takes as parameters integer `x` and a pointer to function `poly`, which represents a function that takes an integer parameter and returns an integer. d) Write the

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HTML and Javascript website Sprint 1User Story Apply for a Titan Coffee Run credit lineAs a

HTML and Javascript website Sprint 1:User Story: Apply for a Titan Coffee Run credit line.As a potential customer ordering from the Titan Coffee Run website, I want to apply for a Titan Coffee Run credit line so I can place orders for coffee.Acceptance Criteria:The user can click and fill out a form to qualify.The user can send their application.The user is notified if the form is incorrectly filled out.The user is notified the amount they qualify for.The user is notified if they do not qualify

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Write a python program that creates any regular polygon The number of sides of the polygon and the

Write a Python program that creates any regular polygon. The number of sides of the polygon and the color of the fill should be entered by the user. After the user provides those values, the turtle should draw the shape, fill it with the color entered, and disappear from the graphics window. The program should then ask the user if they want to draw another shape. If the user enters "yes", the program repeats the process of asking for the input values and re-drawing the shape. This process will repeat until the user enters anything other than "yes". Before drawing the additional shape, the turtle should erase the current shape being displayed and go back to home. The program must do input validation to check that the number of sides is at least 3. The program should continue to ask them to re-enter the number of sides until a valid input is given. Hint: To get the angle in degrees for the shape, use the formula degrees = n * 360, with n being the number of sides of the polygon. Also, for the length of the sides, simply use a constant like 100. A sample output is shown below.

Write a Python program that creates any regular polygon. The number of sides of the polygon and the color of the fill should be entered by the user. After the user provides those values, the turtle should draw the shape, fill it with the color entered, and disappear from the graphics window. The program should then ask the user if they want to draw another shape. If the user enters “yes”, the program repeats the process of asking for the input values and re-drawing the shape. This process will

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Fall 2023 Stefan Salvi S12345678 Student Number 8 digits Assign 1 90 Assign 2 94 Assign 3 0

In C++,Write a program that defines a base class called FTP3015. It has the following grading scheme:- 3 assignments 100 points each 25%- Midterm 100 points 30%- Final 100 points 45sed on the total grade of any student for the course, the letter grade of each student can be computed as follows:Any grade of 90 or more is an A, any grade of 80 or more (but less than 90) is a B, any grade of 70 or more (but less than 80) is a C, any grade of 60 or more (but less than 70) is a D, and any grade below 60 is an F.This class needs to have some member variables. The first name, last name, the S-number (student number, it can be made up), the grades, the total grade, and final letter grade can all be considered as private member variables of this class.The class should also have the following public member functions/procedural attributes that canprovide functionality for the objects of the class:a. Constructor and default constructorb. Setter functions for all the member variablesc. Getter functions for all the member variablesd. An input function that asks the user for student's name, Z-number and grades.e. A function that computes the student’s total gradef. A function that computes the student’s final letter grade.g. An output function that displays the information of any student: including their S-number, and grades on all assignment to the screen.The next step is to create a derived class from FTP3015 and name it Fall23. In this new class, add a 4 th assignment variable. The extra assignment does not change the grading scheme.Add another variable for assignment 4 as the member of the derived class.Generate/redefine the following member functions:- Constructor for the derived class.- Input function which includes all assessments.- Output function which now also displays the grade for 4 th assignment.- A redefined function for computation of the student total grade.Now create another derived class from FTP3015 and name it Summer23. In this new class, add a bonus variable. The bonus variable adds 3% bonus to the total grade for a total of 103%.Generate/redefine the following member functions:- Constructor for the derived class.- Input function which includes all assessments and bonus.- Output function which now also displays the bonus.- A new function definition for a function that adds the bonus to the final grade.Test cases for the class definitions:Once you generate the class definition with all its function definitions, the next step is to use the classes and generate test cases. First, construct some objects of the derived class. Give them names to represent individual students.Every student can start off with initialized total grade of 100 which can be initialized in theconstructor (initial value is 100) and later updated by the teaching staff.Importantly, each student gets a total grade and a letter grade which is computed for themautomatically.Sample students along with their information are summarized and displayed below:

In C++,Write a program that defines a base class called FTP3015. It has the following grading scheme:- 3 assignments 100 points each 25%- Midterm 100 points 30%- Final 100 points 45%Based on the total grade of any student for the course, the letter grade of each student can be computed as follows:Any grade of 90 or more is an A, any grade of 80 or more (but less than 90) is a B, any grade of 70 or more (but less than 80) is a C, any grade of 60 or more (but less than 70) is a D, and any grade be

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6 Write a program to determine the maximum height to which a projectile will travel if atmospheric

6. Write a program to determine the maximum height to which a projectile will travel if atmospheric resistance is neglected, for different initial velocities. This problem demonstrates the use of repetition controlled by a terminating limit. Method: The mass of the projectile is m, the initial velocity is v0 m/sec, the last initial velocity is vft/sec. From equations of motion: w=mg, Fz=maz. Applying these equations for the projectile results in the following equations: mg=mac gives ac=g. Initial conditions: s0=0, v0=v. Final conditions: sf=h, vf=0. From Kinematics: vf2=v02+2ac(sfs0) 0=v2+2ac(h0) 2ach=v2 h=2acv2 Data: Real values of initial velocity at 50, 100, 150, and 200 ft/sec. The real value of gravitational acceleration is 32.2 ft/sec2. 7. Write a program to compute and print a table of torsion shear stresses for circular rods having various torsion loads at various offsets. This problem demonstrates the use of nested repetitions. Data: Diameter: 5 and 6 inches. Load: 1000 and 12,000 pounds. Offset: 10, 15, and 20 L. Method: Let D = diameter of the rod. P = torsion load in pounds. L = offset. The torsion shear stress is given by the formula Ts = D^3/(16PL). 8. Write a program that reads numbers from an array and graphs the information in the form of a bar chart or histogram. The number is printed first, and then a bar consisting of that many asterisks is printed beside the number. Note: The define size of the array is 10. Example: [Number]: ********** [Number]: * [Number]: ********* [Number]: ***** [Number]: ********** [Number]: **** [Number]: ** [Number]: ******* [Number]: ******** [Number]: *******

6. Write a program to determine the maximum height to which a projectile will travel if atmospheric resistance is neglected, for different initial velocities. This problem demonstrates the use of repetition controlled by a terminating limit. Method: The mass of the projectile is m, the initial velocity is v0 m/sec, the last initial velocity is vft/sec. From equations of motion: w=mg, Fz=maz. Applying these equations for the projectile results in the following equations: mg=mac gives ac=g. Initia

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Java ProgrammingYou can do all this in one driver program Create an unsorted array containing 40

Java Programming:You can do all this in one driver program. Create an unsorted array containing 40 random integers between 1 and 999. Print the contents of this array using the toString method from Arrays class.Call the sort method from the Arrays class to sort this array. Print the contents of this sorted array using the toString method from Arrays class.Use this sorted array to perform the following binary searches.Try the binarySearch method from Arrays to search for a few target values in th

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How to code in python the Vincent Van Goghs starry night such like thisWrite a Python program

How to code in python the Vincent Van Gogh’s starry night such like this:Write a Python program, called MonChefDoeuvre1237.py, to create a drawing inspired from the work of a known painter (artist) using the Python Turtle module and its built-in functions. You must create and use at least one turtle from this module to create your drawing. To illustrate what this assignment is asking you to do, here is the chef d’oeuvre created by a CMPT 120 student from a previous semester: nu option Run is sel

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