Create a cash register application for a fish and chips tuck shop. The application must have the…

Create a cash register application for a fish and chips tuck shop. The application must have the following controls: 1. Combo box - combo boxes for chips with small, medium, and large options and fish with options snoek and hake. 2. Check box - check box to either choose a cool drink or rolls, or both. 3. Quantity text field - text fields to specify the quantity of the product being bought. 4. Amounts text fields - text fields for total, amount paid, and change amount. NB. The user must make selections (chips, fish, cool drink, or roll) and specify the quantity. In the amount text fields, the user must only enter the amount paid, and the app must calculate the total price and the change amount. Product price list:

Create a cash register application for a fish and chips tuck shop. The application must have the following controls:

1. Combo box – combo boxes for chips with small, medium, and large options and fish with options snoek and hake.

2. Check box – check box to either choose a cool drink or rolls, or both.

3. Quantity text field – text fields to specify the quantity of the product being bought.

4. Amounts text fields – text fields for total, amount paid, and change amount.

NB. The user must make selections (chips, fish, cool drink, or roll) and specify the quantity. In the amount text fields, the user must only enter the amount paid, and the app must calculate the total price and the change amount.

Product price list:

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