Objective: Examine best practices, pertinent legislation, ethical and professional issues associated with case management services. Instructions Professional organizations provide much information to practicing professionals. Membership provides opportunities for networking with colleagues, best practice tips, current issues & challenges with solutions, current legislation/political issues, and sometimes even legal support. Professional organizations also provide extensive resources that provide in-depth knowledge, such as access to or subscriptions to professional journals.
For this activity, you will explore some common organizations associated with the Human Services professions.
This list is certainly not inclusive. Feel free to search for organizations that may better meet your specific career needs:
Case Management Society of America (CMSA) https://www.cmsa.org/
Academy of Certified Case Managers (ACCM) http://academyccm.org/
National Association of Case Management (NACM) https://www.yournacm.com/
National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) https://www.nationalhumanservices.org/
American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) https://www.aphsa.org/
National Association of Social Workers (NASW) www.naswdc.org
National Psychological Association (APA) www.apa.org
American Counseling Association (ACA) www.counseling.org
American Association of Marriage & Family Therapy (AAMFT) www.aamft.org
- Review the above professional organizations’ websites and feel free to search for other organizations that may better meet your career path.
- Select 3 organizations (one must be a case management organization) that you feel would benefit your professional growth.
- Discuss the membership option that is feasible for your needs, the available resources, and how you might use these organizations to advance your skills & knowledge.
- Be sure to cite any sources in-text as well as a full APA citation at the end of the initial post. Refer to The Trailblazer Handbook for assistance in citing websites.

You will receive your answer within 8-10 hours.