1 Write a program called histeq which is run as follows asks the user for an image opens the

1. Write a program called hist_eq which is run as follows: - Asks the user for an image - Opens the image as a grayscale image - Performs histogram equalization - Saves the result as a new image - Then displays the original image and the resulting image The program should apply global histogram equalization to the image. You may assume that the images are 8-bit images (grayscales are in the range [0,255]). Your program should be documented and organized appropriately. Include some images that you tested this on, both the before and afters. Ensure there is variation in intensity.

1. Write a program called hist_eq which is run as follows: – Asks the user for an image – Opens the image as a grayscale image – Performs histogram equalization – Saves the result as a new image – Then displays the original image and the resulting image The program should apply global histogram equalization to the image. You may assume that the images are 8-bit images (grayscales are in the range [0,255]). Your program should be documented and organized appropriately. Include some images that yo

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