Simple Payroll program in Java that computes for the salary of employees.


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Develop a simple Payroll program in Java that computes for the salary of employees, to wit:

  • Department class 
  • has dept code, dept name
  • provide for 1 Department(,) constructor
  • provide setter and getter methods of each member variable
  • provide for a display() method that outputs the member variables


  • Position class
  • has post code, post name, Department, basic salary and rate per hour
  • provide for 1 Position(…) constructor
  • provide setter and getter methods of each member variable
  • provide for a display() method that outputs the member variables


  • Employee class
  • has emp number, first name, middle name, last name, Position, status, number of hours worked
  • provide for 1 Employee(,,,,,) constructor
  • provide setter and getter methods of each member variable
  • provide the following methods:
  • double compute Salary() that computes for the employees’ salary (refer to/analyze sample table in Payroll class below)
  • void display() that outputs the member variables


  • Payroll class
  • In main() method:
  • create 3 Departments
  • create 2 Positions for each Department
  • create 3 Employees for each Position
  • display the 18 Employees’ details in tabular form (Emp Num, Full Name, Position, Department, Status, Basic Salary, Rate Per Hour, Number of Hours Worked, Total Salary), e.g.:
  • 12345 Melvin M. Ninal Dean CCS Active 10000.00 100 20 12000.00
  • output the grand total of all 18 salaries


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