
Grade Distribution 20% of the grade is programming styles • proper variable names • use of functions • readability • comments/documentation 80% – logic, proper output. Syntax, semantics, run time

(1 patron review)

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COSC 1336 – Fundamentals of Programming  Exam 3 – Project (40 Points)

Grade Distribution

20% of the grade is programming styles

proper variable names

use of functions



80% – logic, proper output. Syntax, semantics, run time

Input Data

For each student, the following data will be input:

Student name

Exam 1 (float value)

Exam 2 (float value)

Exam 3 (float value)

Exam 4 (float value)

Exam 5 (float value)

Validation for Exam grades

Tests are graded on a 100-point scale with a 10-point bonus question. So, a valid test

score should be 0 through 110.


Your program should work for any number of students.

When the program starts, it should ask the user for the number of students to be


Function to input the student name/score pairs and store them. Input validation:

the score must be between 0 and 110, inclusive.

Function to sort the scores in ascending (increasing) order.

Function that calculates the average of the scores.

Function that displays a neat table of student name/score pairs in sorted order.

Include appropriate column heading for your table. Following the table, display

the average score and Letter Grade with appropriate labels.

SAMPLE RUN (User entry is in RED)

User’s input

How many students: 3

Student #1

Enter the name He Man

Enter grade for Exam 1: 10

Enter grade for Exam 2: 20

Enter grade for Exam 3: 30

Enter grade for Exam 4: 40

Enter grade for Exam 5: 100

Student #2

Enter the name Scooby Doo

Enter grade for Exam 1: 80

Enter grade for Exam 2: 80

Enter grade for Exam 3: 80

Enter grade for Exam 4: 80

Enter grade for Exam 4: 80

Student #3

Enter the name Ally Baba

Enter grade for Exam 1: 80

Enter grade for Exam 2: 80

Enter grade for Exam 3: 90

Enter grade for Exam 4: 90

Enter grade for Exam 4: 90

End of Semester Grades

Number of Students: 3



Average Letter Grade

Ally Baba

80, 80, 90, 90,90



Scooby Doo

80, 80, 80, 80, 80



She Man





Average Grade of all students


1 review for Grade Distribution 20% of the grade is programming styles • proper variable names • use of functions • readability • comments/documentation 80% – logic, proper output. Syntax, semantics, run time

  1. Madison Hayes

    Thanks Simple and perfect code

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Grade Distribution 20% of the grade is programming styles • proper variable names • use of functions • readability • comments/documentation 80% - logic, proper output. Syntax, semantics, run time
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