Linda owns a small fruit booth. She wants to print out a beautiful menu to list all types of fruits she sells. Therefore, she can distribute this menu and hope to attract more customers to visit her booth. Linda named her booth ‘Happy Fruit World”.
The fruits she has are listed below:
Here is the sample output:
This menu may need to be generated from time to time based on the possible changes of booth name, fruit names or prices, or the advertisement slogans. Therefore, you need to code this menu generator tool based on the following specifications. Name your Python file as A1Q3.py.
Code Specification:
1) Store the booth name in a variable.
2) Store the slogan in a variable.
3) Store the fruit names in a list and store the price in another list.
4) For any duplicated values, save them in a variable.
5) Treat the symbol “@” as a separator.
The sample output will be similar to the below when some variable values are changed.