Instructions Write a C program to create an array of characters of size 6 Populate the array

Instructions: - Write a C program to create an array of characters of size 6. - Populate the array with letters using a function named populateArray. - Display the contents of the array using another function named displayArray. - Print only the vowels in the array using a function named printVowels. Hint: - Use scanf to read user input for each array element. - To identify vowels, use an if statement to check against 'A', 'a', 'E', 'e', 'I', etc. - Alternatively, look up the ctype.h functions. - Ex. the islower() function checks whether a character is lowercase. islower('E') would return 0 (false). - That true or false result can be used in an if statement. - Remember to #include.

– Write a C program to create an array of characters of size 6.
– Populate the array with letters using a function named populateArray.
– Display the contents of the array using another function named displayArray.
– Print only the vowels in the array using a function named printVowels.

– Use scanf to read user input for each array element.
– To identify vowels, use an if statement to check against ‘A’, ‘a’, ‘E’, ‘e’, ‘I’, etc.
– Alternatively, look up the ctype.h functions.
– Ex. the islower() function checks whether a character is lowercase. islower(‘E’) would return 0 (false).
– That true or false result can be used in an if statement.
– Remember to \#include.

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