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× C# Tabernik Final Ch 1,2,3,4,5 Quiz Programmers make use of what type of program in order to translate higher-level language statements into machine code? Internally, computers are constructed from circuitry that consists of small on/off switches. What is the most basic circuitry-level language that computers use to control the operation of those switches called? An identifier that is prefixed with an @ and allows you to use code written in other languages that do not have the same set of reserved keywords is known by what name? What must be done once a C# program has been finished before it can be use What is NOT considered a keyword by the C# language? What programming style capitalizes the first letter of all new words in an identifier, including the first one? When writing C# code, how do you indicate a namespace? A series of four or five comparisons and calculations that together determine an employee's withholding tax value might be grouped using what sort of logical unit? What can be used as a construct that acts like a container to provide a way to group similar classes? The use of "void" and "static" are both examples of what predefined C# language component? What are nonexecuting statements that you can use to document or add notes to assist in the use of the program? What term describes a one-word name with no embedded spaces that references a variable in a program? What statement regarding the C# programming language is accurate? The program you are creating must output information onto the screen, and then position the cursor on the next line in preparation for additional output. What method should you use? Encapsulation is similar to using a device you use without regard for the internal mechanisms. What is the common term for this type of device? What technique involves the packaging of an object's attributes and methods into a cohesive unit that can be used as an undivided entity? What is an object in relation to a defined class in a programming language? What information must be supplied when utilizing a method that requires additional information in order to operate? What is the process of removing all syntax and logical errors from a program in order to create a working program that accomplishes all intended tasks known as? What type of program is created by the use of named memory locations and a series of steps or operations to manipulate the values of those memory locations? What kind of programming language allows you to use a vocabulary of reasonable terms such as "read," "write," or "add" instead of the sequence of on/off switches that perform these tasks? What can be used to extend an existing class so as to create a more specific class? What command can be used from the Developer Command Prompt in order to compile a C# program? Where can a method's name and information about what will be passed into and returned from a method be found? A program's execution of various statements and procedures in a correct order to produce desired results is referred to as what defining characteristic? When using arithmetic operations with operands of dissimilar types, an automatic conversion of nonconforming operands to a unifying type occurs. What is this conversion process called? What method from the Convert class can be used to convert a specified value to an 8-bit unsigned integer? What type of operator can be used to reduce a variable's value by 1 either at time of evaluation, or after it is evaluated, depending on placement? What can be used to control the appearance of text output? What method can be used as an alternative to the Convert class methods to change a string into a number? What happens when "string1" is added to "string2" using the + sign in the C# programming language? What operator is used for exponentials in the C# programming language? What type of expression has a Boolean value as a result? When running a program, an instruction to the user to enter data for the program to process is known by what term? What statement regarding operator precedence is accurate? In the C# statement moneyString = someMoney.ToString("F3"), what is "F3" an example of? What keyword can be used to create a named identifier for a memory location whose contents cannot change? What data type can be used to hold a series of characters? What method can be used to accept user input from the keyboard on the console? You are performing an arithmetic operation and have placed the desired result type in parentheses followed by a variable to be cast with the result. What is this an example of? How is a Boolean variable declared in a program? What is NOT part of a variable declaration in the C# programming language? An assignment that is made when a variable is declared is known as what? In C#, += adds the operand on the right to the operand on the left and assigns it to the operand on the left in one step. What is the name for this operator? What data type can be used to hold any single character, including numbers and non-printing characters? What type of program specifically allows and accepts user input? What type of arithmetic operator has one argument to the left and another argument to the right of the operator? What is the term for a named location in computer memory that can hold different values at different points in time? What uses curly braces containing a number that indicates the desired position for a variable in a list that follows a string used for formatting purposes? What type of number can be described as having varying numbers of significant digits, which contains decimal positions? What controls can be used to allow a user to input data in a GUI application? After making a change to a program and attempting to re-run it, you get an error message stating that changes are not allowed. What can you do to clear the error? What name is given to the first form in a Windows Forms project within Visual C# by default? After a user types a value into a TextBox in an executing program, where is the value stored? After you have added a Button onto a form, what can you do in order to create a method that executes when the user clicks the Button? What kind of GUI object is rectangular and provides an interface for collecting, displaying, and delivering information? Where in the Visual C# IDE main window can you find the File menu, as well as submenus for editing, debugging, and help tasks? If a Button's name is reportButton, what will the default name of its Click() method be? What process involves the changing of a program's internal structure without changing the way the program works? What Label property can be changed to display any string of text? Where can the appearance, size, color, and window management features of a Form be modified? What feature in the Visual C# IDE can be used for viewing and managing project files and settings? When sorting the Properties in alphabetical order in the Properties window, what entry is not in alphabetical order? What type of font should you use if you wish to align text values on controls? Objects such as the labels, buttons, and text boxes seen within a program's environment are all components of what part of a program? What property can be modified to change the tab order for a GUI component? What determines the order in which controls receive focus from successive Tab key presses? When designing an application, what type of interface generally requires more time to develop? What form property allows you to specify the caption of the Form in the title bar? What key combination can be used to run a program without debugging it? What part of a button on a form can be dragged in order to change the button's size? What serves as a control that is used to display text such as a prompt or a result of some computation? What statement regarding the use of Designer.cs files is accurate? Labels, text boxes, and buttons that users can manipulate to interact with a program's forms are referred to by what term? Approximately how many different properties exist within the Form class? When using a switch structure to make decisions within a program, what keyword is used to begin the structure? What can be used in conjunction with a switch statement in order to make the meaning of case label values much clearer? What type of statement can be used to make a single-alternative decision? What keyword can you use to specify an action to take in the event that a test expression does not match any case? What character(s) are used to form the ternary conditional operator in C#? What character(s) function as the non-conditional Boolean logical AND operator in the C# programming language? What conditional operator can be used to create a compound Boolean expression as an alternative to if statements? In a situation where you want to perform one action when a Boolean expression evaluates as true and an alternate action when it evaluates as false, otherwise known as a dual-alternative decision, what sort of statement should you use? The if expression that precedes a block in a decision structure is known as what type of statement? In C#, what operator is used as an abbreviated version of the if-else statement, and requires three expressions separated with a question mark and a colon? What conditional operator can be used when you want some action to occur even if only one of two given conditions is true? What character(s) serve as the NOT operator in the C# programming language? What should you use if you wish to execute two or more statements conditionally? What kind of conditional operator requires three arguments: a test expression, and true and false result expressions? What rule results in an error if you reach the end point of a statement list in a case section? When creating a flowchart or pseudocode representation of a task, what type of structure is one in which one step follows another unconditionally? In a switch statement, what keyword is followed by one of the possible values that might equal the switch expression? What character(s) do you use to make a conditional AND operator within a C# program? Placing the opening brace of an if block on the same line as the if statement is known as what style of programming? When designing a flowchart for assisting in the coding process, what is a parallelogram typically used to represent? What character(s) function as the conditional OR operator in the C# programming language? What sort of evaluation involves the evaluation of expressions in each part of a compound, conditional Boolean expression only as much as necessary to determine whether the expression is false? What type of structure involves choosing between alternative courses of action based on some value within a program? What character(s) function as the non-conditional Boolean logical inclusive OR operator? When the & and | operators are used between Boolean expressions, they are Boolean logical operators. What are they when used between integer expressions? What type of loop checks a Boolean expression at the "bottom" of the loop after each repetition has occurred? Both the while loop and for loops are considered to be in what category of loops? What type of loop is one in which the loop control variable is tested after the loop body executes? What is any single execution of a loop referred to as? A loop for which the number of iterations is predetermined is known as what type of loop? A bug has resulted in your program executing an infinite loop. What key can be pressed in conjunction with the C or Break (Pause) key to escape the loop? You are writing a program that defines a variable within a loop, and then tries to use that variable outside the loop. However, the program does not run as intended. What is the issue? What type of loop checks a Boolean expression at the "top" of the loop before the body has a chance to execute? A loop that is controlled by user input rather than altered by arithmetic is known as what type of loop? What should an accumulator variable be set to before it is used to accumulate a total? Totals that are summed one at a time in a loop are known as what type of totals? The expressions in each part of an AND or OR expression are evaluated only as much as necessary to determine whether the entire expression is true or false. What type of evaluation is this? What technique can be used to combine two different loops into one? Unlike the while and for loops, the do loop is considered to be in what category of loops? What is a garbage value in the C# programming language? Why do event-driven GUI programs sometimes require fewer coded loops than their counterpart console applications? Many loop control variable values rely on an added value through each loop. What type of loop control variable is this? Loops that are controlled by reducing a variable are utilizing what type of loop control variable? A value such as a 'Y' or 'N' that must be supplied in order to stop a loop is known as what type of value? After executing your GUI program, you realize that your code has created an infinite loop. How can you break free of the loop in your GUI program? What are the block of statements that are executed in a loop considered to be part of? When using nested loops, what loop is contained entirely within an outer loop? What type of loop allows you to indicate the starting value for the loop control variable, the test condition that controls loop entry, and the expression that alters the loop control variable, all in one convenient place? When using a nested loop, what should always be thought of as the all-encompassing loop? What keyword(s) should you use to initiate a for-loop in C#? Programmers make use of what type of program in order to translate higher-level language statements into machine code? $10.00