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× The department of Computer Science has requested from you to design a degree audit application for ComputerScience students so that they can follow they degree programs. The application has two input file (a) the Studyplan for the BSc program “Degreeplan.csv” and (b) student transcripts “Transcript_Sid.CSV” as shown in thesample data in page 3. For more information about the degree plan, you can download the degree plan for yourcohort in the department website. For simplicity, the code for elective courses are specified as two letters followedby and a number (for example UE1, SE2, AE2 for the first university elective, second specialization elective andthe second major elective courses, respectively)You need to general a transcript as specified in the A&R including the list of semesters, the courses for eachsemester, their grades, grade points and the semester GPA and total credits. Also, you need to display thecumulative GPA, grade points and credits for all semesters. The program needs to check if the student underprobation (if cumulative GPA is below 2.0 or the GPAs for the last two semesters are below 2.0). In addition,your application advice the student to enroll in the next courses in the degree plan (find the next five courses tobe enrolled in the next semester).You need to write a Python program to analyze the provided information and generate various reports as follows:1. The program should be well-designed using separate functions and the programmer should not use thesame function to perform multiple tasks. In addition, the programmer needs to use functions to reducethe repetition of the same code in different functions.2. Appropriately use various data structures including Lists, Sets, Tuples, Dictionary, and Arrays.3. Use function to read the study plan information to an appropriate data structure as specified in the samplerun.4. Use a function to read the student transcript in an appropriate data structure as specified in the samplerun.5. Use a function that returns the course information for a given course using its course code. For examplethe information for course COMP3203 as follows{“Code” : ”COMP3203”,”Title” : ”Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms”,"credit" : 3, "category" : ”DR”},6. Use a function to return the GPA point that corresponds to a given grade (for example the GPA for B- is2.7).7. Use a function that returns the GPA and the total credits for a given semester.8. Use a function to display the student transcript for each semester including the course code, title, credits,Grade, Grade Points for each course. In addition to the cumulative GPA and credits for each semesterand for all semesters. You need to write the information to an output CSV file.9. Use a function that checks if the student is under probation and returns either true or false. A student isunder probation if the CGP is below 2.o or the GPA scores for the last two semesters is below 2.0.10. Use a function that recommends returns the next FIVE courses to be enrolled in the next semester. Thisfunction needs to use the student registration information and the Study plan to find the first five coursesthat are not registered by the student yet. For example, in the sample, the student did not takeSOCY1005, ECCE3206, COMP3501, COMP3205 and COMP3401.Page 211. Use an appropriate menu to enable users to repeatedly generate reports using the above functions toperform one of the following tasks.○ Display the semester results is specific course using the course code.○ Display the semester results for a specific semester.○ Display the complete student transcript○ Check if the student is under probation.○ Recommend the next courses to be enrolled in the next semester.12. You may specify additional assumptions if needed. The department of Computer Science has requested from you to design a degree audit application for $5.00