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× IN C++ LANGUAGE PLEASECase ScenarioYou are the both the Linux and Network Administrator for a small company. There hasbeen suspicious activity on the system. In order to preserve log information, it will benecessary to archive the current files in /var/log ending with the ".log" extension. Thefiles are to be saved to a file named log.tar, stored in the directory, ~/archive.It has also been requested that the files that were archived be saved to a directory,~/backup.Objectives• Create an archive named log.tar that is stored in the archive directory located inthe home directory.• Remove path names from the files that are archived.• Produce verbose output while archiving.• List the contents of the archive without extracting.• Extract the files to the directory, ~/backup.Curriculum Resources• Chapter 2 – Using the Shell• Chapter 5 – File Manipulation• Chapter 12 – Archive CommandsDeliverables• Provide the final commands for successful completion.• Provide screen shots of the commands, the command execution, and theoutput of the commands required to complete the tasks.• Take the first screen shot after executing the command(s) in the CLI to createthe archive, including the output the command(s) generate while executing.• Take the second screen shot after executing the command(s) in the CLI toextract the archive files, including the output the command(s) generate whileexecuting. Include a listing of the backup directory in this screen shot.• The final result of the archive listing should match the following:• The final result of the listing of the backup directory should match thefollowing: alternativeslog authlog bootstraplog cronlog dpkglog kernlog maillog alternativeslog auth $5.00