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× 2. Use the Gauss-Seidel method (a) without relaxation and (b) with relaxation (= 1.2) to solve the following system to a tolerance of s = 5%. If necessary, rearrange the equations to achieve convergence. 2x1 + 6x2 + 2x3 = 38 3x1 + x2 + 7x3 = 34 8x1 + x2 + 2x3 = 20 2 Use the GaussSeidel method a without relaxation and b with relaxation 12 to solve the $5.00
× Objective: - Read names from two different files into your program and write each name to a single new file. - Download the namelist1.txt and namelist2.txt input files from the assignment page in Canvas and place them in the same folder as your program. - Input files: - nameslist1.txt - nameslist2.txt - Each file contains a list of 200 unique names. - Output file: - Output all names to an output file called allnames.txt - Write a program that reads the names from the two input files and writes the names to the two output files. Steps: a. Ask the user to input the file name and path of the first input file. - Use a try/except block to open all input before processing. - If the file cannot be opened, display the appropriate error message, and require the user to reenter the file name and path. - Continue looping until the user has entered a valid file name and path. b. Ask the user to input the file name and path of the second input file. - Use a try/except block to open all input before processing. - If the file cannot be opened, display the appropriate error message, and require the user to reenter the file name and path. - Continue looping until the user has entered a valid file name and path. c. Ask the user to input the file name and path of the output file. - Use a try/except block to open all input before processing. - If the file cannot be opened, display the appropriate error message, and require the user to reenter the file name and path. - Continue looping until the user has entered a valid file name and path. d. Processing: - Use a try/except block to read from the input files and write to the output file. - Read all the names from one input file at a time. Write the names to the output file. - You must use a while loop to process the first input file (nameslist1.txt) and write to the output file. - You must use a for loop to process the second input file (nameslist2.txt) and write to the output file. - Each line in each input file is one name. - Each name must be written on a separate line in the output file. - There must be no blank lines between names in the output files. e. Close all input files and the output file after all names have been processed. Rubric: The rubric is located on the assignment page in Canvas. Please review the rubric to make sure you meet all of the requirements for this lab. Screen Shot: Enter the path and name of the first file: c:test Terr.txt Error: file(s) not found, or could not be opened. Please reenter. Enter the path and name of the first file: c:testnameslist.1.t.t. Enter the path and name of the second file: c:testerr.txt Error: file(s) not found, or could not be opened. Please reenter. Enter the path and name of the second file: c:testnameslist2.txt Enter the path and name of the output file: c:testallnames.txt Names processing started Names processing complete Objective read names from two different files into your program and write each name to a single new $5.00

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Total $10.00