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× Write a program that uses while loops to perform the following steps. a. Create a user-defined function called Validate_User_Input() to prompt the user to input two positive integers and validate the user's input. Validate_User_Input() is a value returning function; doesn't accept any arguments and returns First_Num and Second_Num. Variables: First_Num and Second_Num (First_Num must be less than Second_Num). (use while loop to validate and repeat).b. Create a user-defined function called Odd_Numbers() to output all odd numbers between First_Num and Second_Num (use while loop). Odd_Numbers() is a void function; accepts First_Num and Second_Num as arguments and doesn't return any values.c. Create a user-defined function called Sum_Even_Numbers() to output the sum of all even numbers between First_Num and Second_Num (use while loop). Sum_Even_Numbers() is a value returning function; accepts First_Num and Second_Num as arguments and returns the sum of all even numbers. Declare a variable called Sum_Even in the main() to store the returned value from Sum_Even_Numbers().d. Create a user-defined function called Sum_Squre_Odd_Numbers() to output the sum of the square of the odd numbers between First_Num and secondNum (use while loop). Sum_Squre_Odd_Numbers() is a value returning function; accepts First_Num and Second_Num as arguments and returns the sum of the square of the odd numbers. Declare a variable called Sum_Square_Odd in the main() to store the returned value from Sum_Squre_Odd_Numbers(). e. Create a user-defined function called main() to repeat a program (use while loop) and execute the user-defined functions; Validate_User_Input(), Odd_Numbers(), Sum_Even_Numbers() and Sum_Squre_Odd_Numbers(). main() is a void function; doesn't accept any arguments. Program layout for each step. Include the comments in your code.#AValidate_User_Input() #BOdd_Numbers() #CSum_Even_Numbers() #DSum_Squre_Odd_Numbers() #Emain() #Executing Program.main() ***Allow the user to repeat the program. (requires another while loop).***Do NOT define any additional functions. Use only built-in functions that have been discussed in class.***Use only topics (Modules 01 - 07 and lecture) that were covered in class.***Your program output must be exactly the same as the output in the OUTPUT section, except font style. Enter two positive integer numbers First number must be less than the second number you enter $5.00