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× Write a Python program to implement the New User Registration: i. Prompt the user, who is doing registration, for entering a username and check its validity. ii. A valid username must be a string of length 8-12 and consists of: - at least 3 and at most 8 letters (a-z, A-Z) - at least 2 and at most 6 digits (0-9) - at most 1 underscore (_) iii. Prompt the user for entering a password and check its validity. iv. A valid password must be a string of length 10-16 and consist of: - at least one lowercase letter (a-z) - at least one uppercase letter (A-Z) - at least one digit (0-9) - at least one special character (@, #, %, &, $) v. If the username or password is not valid, inform the user of the specific requirements it does not fulfill (e.g., "A valid password must contain 10-16 characters", "A valid username must consist of at most 6 digits (0-9)"). vi. Prompt again and again until a valid username and a valid password are entered. Write a Python program to implement the New User Registration i Prompt the user who is doing $5.00