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× Write a program that first reads in the name of two input files; input1pass.txt and input1shadow.txt. These files will contain encrypted and non-encrypted passwords to simulate a Brute Force approach. Next the program will accept input of two strings representing a potential user name, and password. The files should be read using the file.readlines( ) method. Your program should output the attempted login and password with a message that it was a successful or unsuccessful brute force attempt. Ex: If the input is: input1pass.txt input1shadow.txt bobpickle pa$$w0rd and the contents of input1pass.txt are: user1:x:15:51:User One:/home/user1:nologin user2:x:16:52:User One:/home/user1:nologin user3:x:17:53:User One:/home/user1:nologin and the contents of the input1shadow.txt are: user1:XXPP192920r:15045:0:99999:7::: user1:LLmm928393x:15046:0:99999:7::: user1:&^334294kksri.:15047:0:99999:7::: the output is: Brute Force Attempt: Login: user1 Password: XXPP192920r Unsuccessful brute force attempt Brute Force Attempt: Login: user2 Password: LLmm928393x Unsuccessful brute force attempt Brute Force Attempt: Login: user3 Password: &^334294kksri. Unsuccessful brute force attempt Ex: If the input is: input2pass.txt input2shadow.txt demo123 password and the contents of input1pass.txt are: user1:x:15:51:User One:/home/user1:nologin user2:x:16:52:User One:/home/user1:nologin user3:x:17:53:User One:/home/user1:nologin demo123:x:18:54:Demo User:/home/demo123:nologin and the contents of the input1shadow.txt are: user1:XXPP192920r:15045:0:99999:7::: user1:LLmm928393x:15046:0:99999:7::: user1:&^334294kksri.:15047:0:99999:7::: demo123:password:15048:0:99999:7::: the output is: Brute Force Attempt: Login: user1 Password: XXPP192920r Unsuccessful brute force attempt Brute Force Attempt: Login: user2 Password: LLmm928393x Unsuccessful brute force attempt Brute Force Attempt: Login: user3 Password: &^334294kksri. Unsuccessful brute force attempt Brute Force Attempt: Login: demo123 Password: password Successful brute force attempt Downloadable files input1pass.txt and input1shadow.txt Write a program that first reads in the name of two input files; input1pass.txt and input1shadow.txt. These files will contain encrypted and non-encrypted passwords to simulate a Brute Force approach. $10.00