Biology 101: Elements of Biology
Human Impacts on the Environment: Peer-Reviewed Educational Poster Project
You are asked by an environmental organization to create an artistic, educational conservation poster about a human impact on the environment. The poster will be displayed at their next conservation conference in a few short weeks! The goal of the environmental organization is to educate the general public about human impacts on Earth.
The Challenge
Your poster CANNOT contain any words. You must only use imagery of your own creation. You may not use or copy images, diagrams, photography, drawings, etc. that are not your own. Your audience should be able to look at your poster and know which anthropogenic impact and conservation effort(s) you are educating them about. Your poster is due by Sunday, May 16th 5pm (no late submissions will be accepted) and your Peer-Review is due by Friday, May 21st
5pm. Your poster should address the following:
The problem should be clear
At least one consequence of the human impact (e.g., bioaccumulation of DDT and brittle
egg shells in birds)
At least one solution to the problem. This could be a global solution or it can be a
personal solution.
After the submission due date you are to review, grade using the rubric provided and provide
feedback to a peer’s education poster.
Your response (i.e., feedback in comment box on Canvas) must address the following questions:
1. What do you enjoy most about this person’s poster? Why?
2. What is one suggested improvement for this person’s poster? Please be kind and constructive.
Poster Format
3. Choose a human impact from the following list:
o Habitat destruction
o Ocean Acidification
o Overharvesting
o Increasing sea surface temperature
o Increasing atmospheric temperature
4. You may create a digital poster if you would like – you must create your own imagery.
5. You may create a poster on paper or poster board if you would like – please do not go out to the stores to buy supplies. Use what you find around your house – upcycle!
o If you choose this option you will submit a crisp, clear image of your poster – blurry or
distorted images will cause a point deduction in your grade
Your poster should not have any words or descriptions – only imagery.
All artwork should be your own original work.
You may use any art form you choose.
There should be no words, labels or titles on your poster. I should be able to determine which
human impact you chose by looking at your poster.
Poster will be different for each Student