The developers of a free online game named Sugar Smash have asked you to develop a class named SugarSmashPlayer that holds data about a single player. The class contains the following fields:idNumber – the player’s ID number (of type int)name – the player’s screen name (of type String)scores – an array of integers that stores the highest score achieved in each of 10 game levelsInclude get and set methods for each field. The get method for scores should require the game level to retrieve the score for. The set method for scores should require two parameters—one that represents the score achieved and one that represents the game level to be retrieved or assigned.Display an error message if the user attempts to assign or retrieve a score from a level that is out of range for the array of scores. Additionally, no level except the first one should be set unless the user has earned at least 100 points at each previous level. If a user tries to set a score for a level that is not yet available, issue an error message.Create a class named PremiumSugarSmashPlayer that descends from SugarSmashPlayer. This class is instantiated when a user pays $2.99 to have access to 40 additional levels of play. As in the free version of the game, a user cannot set a score for a level unless the user has earned at least 100 points at all previous levels.