
Java Currency Converter – USD, EUR, GBP – Complete Solution

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Write a program with a graphical interface that allows the user to convert an amount of money between U.S. dollars (USD), euros (EUR), and British pounds (GBP). You can model your GUI after online examples like Google’s CC, XE’s CC, or other examples.

The user interface must have the following elements (10 points, which includes the functionality and aesthetics):
A text field to enter the amount to be converted
You do not need to error check. That is, you should just ignore all non-doubles, and process doubles only.
Two combo boxes to allow the user to select the currencies
A button to make the conversion
A label to show the result
Please ensure your doubles are all formatted correctly when outputting them to the panel. Some helpful links on how to do this (cite your work!) include: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/Decimalformat.html
Display a warning in either a label or a dialog box (link here) if the user does not choose different currencies. Clear this warning after a successful conversation/currency switch. You can check if they are similar on the conversion button press or on the initial selection of the same currencies. (5 points)
Display a warning in either a label or a dialog box (link here) if the user does not choose different currencies. Clear this warning after a successful conversation/currency switch. You can check if they are similar on the conversion button press or on the initial selection of the same currencies. (5 points)
Use the following conversion rates:
1 EUR is equal to 1.42 USD.
1 GBP is equal to 1.64 USD.
1 GBP is equal to 1.13 EUR.
You can call a very helpful method called pack() on the frame and it will automatically set the desired width and height of the frame. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/awt/Window.html#pack()

1 review for Java Currency Converter – USD, EUR, GBP – Complete Solution

  1. Madison Hayes

    So helpful, working perfectly. Highly recommended. Will come back for more assignments.

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