Write a program that calculates the electricity bill. The rates of electricity per unit are as follows: If the units consumed are <=300, then the cost is Rs. 12 per unit.


Write a program that calculates the electricity bill. The rates of electricity per unit are as follows:
If the units consumed are <=300, then the cost is Rs. 12 per unit.
If the units consumed are >300 and <=500, then the cost is Rs. 17 per unit. If the units consumed exceed 500 then the cost per unit is Rs. 22
A line rent of Rs. 1500 is also added to the total bill and surcharges of 5% extra if the bill exceeds Rs. 15000. Calculate the total bill with all the conditions given above.

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Write a program that calculates the electricity bill. The rates of electricity per unit are as follows:
If the units consumed are <=300, then the cost is Rs. 12 per unit.
If the units consumed are >300 and <=500, then the cost is Rs. 17 per unit. If the units consumed exceed 500 then the cost per unit is Rs. 22
A line rent of Rs. 1500 is also added to the total bill and surcharges of 5% extra if the bill exceeds Rs. 15000. Calculate the total bill with all the conditions given above.