
The following program contains a cylinder class that represents a cylinder as a radius and a

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The following program contains a Cylinder class that represents a cylinder as a radius and a height – see the diagram above. Implement the constructor and the volume method using the comments and the main function as a guide. For the constructor, you must use an initializer list to set the radius and height. The equation for the volume of a cylinder is volume = radius^2 * height. Your implementation will appear outside the class declaration, underneath the // FIXME comments.




using namespace std;

class Cylinder {


Cylinder(double r, double h);

double volume() const;


double radius;

double height;


// FIXME: implement the Cylinder constructor to set radius and height

// You must use an initializer list to receive credit

// FIXME: implement the volume method to return the volume of the Cylinder object

int main() {

// create a Cylinder with radius = 2.0 and height = 5.0

Cylinder c(2.0, 5.0);

// should print 62.8 (maybe with more decimal places – it depends on the value you used for pi)

cout << c.volume() << endl;

return 0;



2 reviews for The following program contains a cylinder class that represents a cylinder as a radius and a

  1. Reyes Flores

    Excellent, thank you! Got solution extremely fast, within minutes.

  2. Fred Halfpap

    Solution I got is great! Before deadline and is great with changes

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