
(Characters around Circle) Write a program that displays a string “Welcome to Java” around the circle, as shown in Figure 14.44b (Book). Hint: You need to display each character in the right location with appropriate rotation using a loop.

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(Characters around Circle) Write a program that displays a string "Welcome to Java" around the circle, as shown in Figure 14.44b (Book). Hint: You need to display each character in the right location with appropriate rotation using a loop.

Sample output:

Please submit the following:

1. The entire project folder containing your entire project ( That includes .java file) as a compressed file. (zip)

2. Program output−screenshot


1. Copy and paste source code to this document underneath the line "your code and results/output "

2. Include screenshot or your running program

Points will be issued on the following requirements:

– Program Specifications / Correctness

– Readability – Documentation

– Code Efficiency

– Meaningful variable names

– Assignment Specifications

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3 reviews for (Characters around Circle) Write a program that displays a string “Welcome to Java” around the circle, as shown in Figure 14.44b (Book). Hint: You need to display each character in the right location with appropriate rotation using a loop.

  1. Edward Parker

    Excellent job, my friend. Thank You!!

  2. Melanie Villard

    Thanks a lots, I really appreciate your effort it is an excellent report.

  3. Jeff Minyard

    The assignment was excellent and I have scored 100 percent. I am very proud and happy with you.

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